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Ban Hammer walked to the correct house. Skateboard cut off his cousin's hand. Who the hell would be sane enough to do that? What did Sword even do? No more questions now, Ban Hammer was ringing Skateboard's door.

It was in the morning when Skateboard opened the door. He was sleepy, and Rocket was still napping. He looked up to see Ban Hammer, and he dashed backward and dodged an attack from him. "What's your problem, old man!?" He pointed at him, and Ban Hammer looked even more offended.

"What's your problem with ripping out hands!?" Ban Hammer bonked Skateboard on the head, and Skateboard rushed to grab his 2nd skateboard. He owned five skateboards in his house, so there wasn't a problem if he broke one. He quickly slid out of the house, and Ban Hammer stared out the door where Skateboard left. "That damn kid!" Ban Hammer yelled in frustration.

Skateboard skated til his feet hurt, and he saw himself at Lost Temple. He walked through the town, and he thought he saw a scythe. He followed it quietly, and when he found Scythe, he decided to talk to her. "Yo!" Skateboard said to Scythe. He watched her turn around slowly, and she smirked. It desturbed Skateboard, but he carried on. "Ban Hammer caught me doing a crime, could I maybe... work with you? I'll be wanted EVERYWHERE!"

Scythe grinned, and she nodded. Without saying a word, she turned the corner, and when Skateboard followed her, she was nowhere to be found. That was weird. How could she just... was Skateboard going insane!? No way! He's fine! Unless...

* * *

Sword's eyes opened. He was in the hospital. He watched someone enter the room. Sword's vision just returned, and he saw Medkit with a concerned look on his face. "Hi, Medkit," Sword greeted. Medkit tried to smile, but his face didn't want him to.

"You're... hand," Medkit pointed at Sword's left arm. When Sword looked at it, he saw how he no longer had a hand. Just... bandages. It scared Sword, and he remembered what happened. It was so traumatizing. Sword shivered at the thought of his flesh being cut off.

How could he even mess up this badly? All he had to do was kill Skateboard. He had a whole sword as a weapon, too! It made him feel dumb. An immortal, who has been training for years, practiced his aim, and has saved thousands of people lost to a 24-year-old guy who rides on a child's vehicle. What the fuck?

Sword realized that he was crying now. He felt the warm tears stroll down his face. He lost everything. He couldn't get it back now, either. Most of the world hated him, and it was all his fault. There was nothing he could do to fix it.

            He snapped out of it, and Medkit looked tired. He must've been waiting for me to wake up. Sword thought. He knew Medkit was the only friend he had left. Otherwise, everyone and anyone else just hated him. He wasn't too sure about his relationship with Ban Hammer. They never spoke to each other, but he's lucky he is related to him.

              Life was shitty, and Sword hoped it would just stop already. Even Medkit was tired of this. He didn't know what he wanted back anymore. He lost it all. Never to be seen again. Maybe... Maybe Sword has run out of choices. He might not ever be able to live the same life ever again. It'll be the same depressing life forever.


hey guys im here lmao. sometimes writing chapters take an hour, but this one took like.... only 10 minutes or something lol

626 words

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