Jeremy's Return

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guys if the video i put works 4 u then good 4 u and go watch it cause i guess its also my yt channel but if it didnt work and you really really wanna see it just go on another device idk


"Whoa/Woah... is that... coca cola?" Rocket looked inside the fridge, and there were 7 soda cans in it. He seemed interested in it, and when Slingshot nodded, he quickly took one out and popped it open.

It concerned Slingshot about how fast Rocket snatched the can, but he didn't mind it... until twenty seconds later when Rocket started having a sugar rush. "R-Rocket...?" Slingshot asked nervously, watching Rocket jump for no reason.

"EEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!!!!!!" Rocket screeched, and Slingshot covered his ears.

"Rocket, calm down!" Slingshot sighed and dragged Rocket away from the Coca-Cola.

"Isn't Rocket a grown man...?" Brooklyn asked Slingshot, to which he nodded, and felt a little embarrassment. "Geez, he looks responsible..."

"He's just... a little excited right now...," Slingshot mumbled.

(muhahahhaahh!!! ill be honest... thats my really cool past bad parts of me. i would be drinking about 3 coca cola cans a day until my therapist made me go on a diet... i thank her tbh)

The whole night, Rocket didn't end up sleeping. He was pretty much too excited, and he tried to stand still, but then his hand would twitch. His eyes would dart everywhere, and when he was standing still, he would start breathing heavily.

(uh this part makes me upset cause it reminds me of how i used to get really excited in the middle of the night when i didnt actually want that energy, and id end up biting and scratching myself really hard just to get rid of the excitement... yeowch, it was painful. i still get these weird boosts of energy idk but i dont scratch and bite myself, but it always feels like im supposed to start shaking or moving a lot and its like my limbs would be really crazy if i didnt have control over my body)

The next day, well, Rocket was back to normal, but he was sleepy. He was rubbing his eyes 24/7, blinking every 3 seconds, and he took about 10 seconds to respond to someone. Slingshot was concerned and led him to the couch to get him to rest. "Rocket, come on, let's sleep," He said gently, grabbing his wrist and walking to the couch.

"Mmmh..." Rocket mumbled, he followed, but he was as slow as a fucking snail. Slingshot was still patient, though, and waiting for him to keep up. When he got to the couch, Slingshot sat down and patted the spot next to him. Since Rocket was sleepy, he didn't understand what he meant, and he jumped on top of Slingshot, and immediately fell asleep.

(guys watch me scream cause im trying so hard not to make this dirty and put the word 'lap' in there...)

"Oh my gosh...," Slingshot whispered, blushing hard. No fucking way. No fucking way Rocket was sleeping on Slingshot right now... oh gosh... please don't make this dirty, Ilumina. Slingshot wanted to push Rocket next to him so he could leave, but he didn't want to wake him up. Slingshot started panicking, so he just hugged Rocket and decided to not wake him up.

         Honestly, he looks a little cute... Slingshot thought to himself until he realized what he said and blushed harder. He isn't cute! He's.... ugly! Oh, what the hell? I MEAN... HE'S COOL! Okay, there we go, good job, Slingshot.

          Oh my, was Rocket mumbling something in his sleep? Slingshot stopped his thoughts and got quiet to listen. "...Stop..." To Slingshot, it sounded like Rocket was having a nightmare. He started feeling bad, and hugged Rocket tighter to try to make him feel better, although it would probably only help a bit.

          I don't know why, but Slingshot started feeling a little tired. It was nice to hug Rocket, and so Slingshot closed his eyes for one second, telling himself that he'd just rest them for a bit. Then he ended up sleeping too.

         Rocket opened his eyes. "W-What... what happened...?" He mumbled, still sleepy. He rubbed his eyes, and when he realized he was laying on Slingshot, he freaked out and tapped Slingshot on the shoulder to wake him up. When Slingshot woke up, he blushed hard, too.

        "S-Sorry... I felt bad waking you up," Slingshot mumbled.

        Rocket giggled, "I-It's okay."

        Rocket got off of Slingshot, and that's when they noticed James holding up his phone with a grin. "James... show me your phone...," Slingshot said seriously, standing up. Rocket kept sitting down, but he knew what James was probably doing on his phone. "How long have you been there?" Slingshot asked.

      "From the start when Rocket fell asleep," James answered. Slingshot grabbed Jeremy from his pocket, and threw it at his head, which perfectly landed on James's forehead. "OWEH!" James screamed, and looked upset, "WHAT THE FU--"




okay goodnight my sillies

850 words

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