(⚠️) The Livestream

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IM GOING TO WARN YOU GUYS ABOUT SU!C!D3!! (please dont get mad at me because i have seen a therapist before for some thoughts)


    Rocket wakes up. He stares at the grey bland ceiling. "I'm done..." he mumbles to himself. He sits up on his bed. "Maybe I'll just make a post on YouTube and see if people care," he sighs, "I'll just buy some stuff first."

    Rocket does his daily routine, and after getting ready. He leaves the house without telling his dad and goes to a hardware store. "Hello," he says to the cashier, "Do you have a rope I could buy?"
   "Sure," the cashier answers. Rocket waits a couple of minutes before the cashier comes back with a bag, and Rocket pays before leaving.

(idk how to buy rope and how they give it to you so sorry)

   When Rocket returns home, he decides to set up a livestream. He goes on his phone, opens the YouTube app, and starts a stream.

(since phighting is underrated ill make rocket have at least 1k)

    A couple of hundred users hop on the stream, and some of them are phighters. Even Sword and Vine Staff join in. "Uhm, hi guys!" Rocket says with a fake smile on his face. "I haven't been okay lately, but I got a rope and a ceiling!" he laughs nervously. People comment "hi!" or "what r u doing???" on Rocket's stream.

    "So, uhm, guys, I'll be grabbing a chair, so you can ask questions while I look for one," Rocket says calmly.

(sword's sideee)

   "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Sword yells when he sees what Rocket is doing. He doesn't waste time and grabs his phone and dashes to Rocket's house.

(vine staff's side toooo!!)

    "W-What!? This can't be happening! He would've told me!" Vine Staff runs to Slingshot and Shuriken. They're just sitting on the couch playing on their phones. "Guys! We need to go to Rocket's house. NOW! He's going to die if we don't get there on time!"

     "WHAT!?" Slingshot jumps off of the couch and runs past Vine Staff while Shuriken runs behind him. Vine Staff panics while chasing them.

(hahahhahaha... ill make boombox react too)

     Boombox's eyes widen when he realizes what Rocket is doing. He doesn't run to his house, but he still hurries. He jumps on the way, leaves his boombox behind, and heads to Skateboard's house.

    "SKATEBOARD!" he yelled, banging at the door.

     "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?" Skateboard opens the door to see Boombox.

    "ROCKET IS LIVE AND HE IS ABOUT TO COMMIT SU!C!D3!" Boombox yells back.

    "W-WHAT!?" Skateboard quickly grabs his skateboard and leaves Boombox behind.

    "SHIT!!" Boombox yells as he runs after Skateboard.


cliffhanger :3333

sorry for not posting yesterday idk how to continue story. and im so fucking sorry if this triggered a bad memory please forgive me...

483 words

swocket angst!!!1!!1! 😭😭😭😭Where stories live. Discover now