Moving Along

189 4 17

and... part 70!! cool!!

idk why but today my mom told me to stop staying up so late. she says my immune system or something is different from other kids and if i stay up too late ill get sick

okay, anyway im thinking of doing a voice reveal because i reached 10k...


Rocket dreamed of being in his old house. His old room. He missed the old posters he held up. So many old memories of Sword and him having sleepovers. Such adorable kids back then. Well, being in this room was scary for him. It was dark and creepy. It didn't remind him of the room he used to be in. Just, pure terror was hidden in the walls. He stood up, and he swore he was being watched. He didn't enjoy any of this, but he had be to an adult, and of course, check why he was in this dream.

Sleep ached through his whole body. Sure, it was a dream, but it still didn't stop him from feeling stuff. It was pitch black outside, but when he walked downstairs, the humming of Zuka filled his ears. The smell of his cooking filled his nose, too. He sped up, but when he got to the kitchen, Zuka wasn't there. He was then disappointed to be reminded of the news Ban Hammer once told him.

Then, after a while came outside. It reminded Rocket of the tune Zuka always came up with. In the car, watering the plants, it was pretty much a lullaby. He quickly unlocked the door, but once again, Zuka was nowhere. It left Rocket upset and puzzled. Zuka really was gone forever, and Rocket had to move on. Now that he realized, the outside was pretty cold. He was shivering, too.

Now, this part happened fast. A hand grabbed Rocket's ankle and dragged him deeper into the darkness. Which, in the darkness, was an ocean. Rocket tried to gasp for air, and be set free, but it was no use. The hand dragged him deeper, and Rocket lost more air. He tried to stay alive, but it was too much, and he soon fainted. The hand took him deeper into hell. Never to be seen ever again. Well, it was a dream. Actually, more of a nightmare.

Rocket gasped when he woke up, and he checked his surroundings. He was in Slingshot's room, still. Rocket stood up and prepared Slingshot's bed to what it was like before he ruined it. Slingshot was still napping on the floor, which Rocket found a bit adorable. He headed downstairs, not even sure if anyone else was awake. It just looked like he was alone at this time until something jumped at him from behind.

Slingshot woke up to screaming, and he ran downstairs as fast as he could. He found James and Rocket together and sighed with relief. He was scared it was something bad. The scream woke up the others too, and they came downstairs to check it out.

"Sorry, James jumped on me," Rocket sighed anxiously. James was still having fun ordering Rocket to drag him everywhere. Pointing in directions for Rocket to follow. It was making him dizzy, but he tried to keep up, not wanting to upset the child.

"Motherfucker, you woke up my beauty sleep!" Alice snapped. She rubbed her eyes and started going back upstairs. She slammed her door and never came back.

Cameron didn't even check on them, he must've slept through the scream. Maybe that was how tired he was. Unless he wasn't even sleeping, and he actually was ignoring everything. That sounded a bit more like him anyway.

"It's okay, Alice. James, you scared our guest! Apologize, now," Brooklyn ordered James, which he listened. He continued to stay on Rocket's back, though.

"Sowwy...," James gave Rocket the doggy eyes, and Rocket giggled. James was adorable. I mean, he was annoying at the same time, but he was manageable to be with. It did remind him of Shuriken, though. They should probably meet soon. They could become best friends if they did!

"It's fine." Rocket turned his attention to Slingshot. "Should we leave, now?" He asked, putting his hand in his pockets, he set James down.

"Oh yeah, it was time we get moving," Slingshot remembered the mission they were on. He went back upstairs to grab their stuff. He quickly studied the room and found the backpacks. His backpack was already heavy from the rocks, but including Rocket's backpack, was even heavier. Still, Slingshot was somehow strong enough to carry them both downstairs.

"Could you please leave some of your rocks here?" Rocket begged. Slingshot shook his head, no, and Rocket groaned in reply. Annoyed, Slingshot threw one of his rocks at him, but he was gentle about it. "Yeowch!" Rocket quickly dodged it, but he flinched.

"Brooklyn, we will be going, now. Thanks for letting Rocket stay," Slingshot thanked Brooklyn, and she grinned.

"Oh, wait!!" She rushed away and into Slingshot's kitchen, before returning with two muffins, "Take these with you! I know how much you love my baking, of course!" Slingshot watched Rocket take a muffin in awe, and it made him smile. Adorable... Slingshot thought. Wait... what? I-I mean... he looks happy. Slingshot blushed when he realized what he called Rocket.

"Slingshot? Are you okay? Your face is... red," Rocket pointed out. It made Slingshot blush even more, and he felt bad for Rocket's innocence.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Slingshot muttered before handing Rocket his backpack.

They both put on their backpacks and left the door. Slingshot and Rocket checked out of the apartment and continued their way back into Lost Temple. It was still sandy. Of course, they noticed that there were multiple papers on Skateboard being hung up. Now that Rocket noticed it, his paper was being hung up with Scythe, Medkit, and Broker. Could this mean...? No way! Skateboard would never. Would he? When Rocket complained to him so much about how much he hated Broker. There was no way he started working with them. Please just tell me that Skateboard is doing this alone... Rocket begged to Illumina.


maiu.... this also took me an hour, and... THREE HOURS!!!!!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!

also since u guys dont know what they look like yet, please tell me how you would describe alice, brooklyn, cameron, and jame's looks. you can add personality if you wanted too though

okay, goodnight my sillies, im tired, but i gotta finish this wattpad part!!!!!!!


anyways goodnight my sillies again cya tomorrow

1120 words

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