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im so tired bro 😭
after swocket angst do i make the next book y/n x [phighter]?



          "You did not have to break another window!" Rocket yelled. So... Slingshot threw Jeremy and other rocks at the window, which broke it. He was too impatient to ring the doorbell on repeat.

          "Sorry, but I wanna make this analog horror stuff!" He complained.

          "Those scare me, and they're probably fake!" Rocket replied. They stopped communicating and made their way inside. It was neat. Vine Staff must've been taking good care of the house.

           They found Shuriken passed out sitting down on the ground, and they picked him up and laid him on a couch. "What the hell happened to him?" Slingshot asked, "And where is Vine Staff?"

             Rocket didn't answer and paid attention to their surroundings. It was neat and looked taken care of. The gray couch Shuriken was sleeping on was dusted off properly, but who could've done it if Shuriken was asleep? Also, the pictures of Shuriken and Vine Staff were squeaky clean. The table which was clear glass had been so clean that you could see sparkles. Oh, don't forget to mention that the carpet, which had gray-blue flower designs on it, had been vacuumed correctly.

             "Mmh...," Shuriken mumbled in his sleep, turning over to his side. Rocket snapped out of Lala land and turned to look at him. Slingshot's face looked a little concerned, and he watched him sit next to Shuriken. Rocket watched Slingshot pat Shuriken on the head, and felt a wave of something bad. He ignored it, though, and went to explore the house.

             Rocket went upstairs, surely he'd find Vine Staff here. Instead, the rooms were clean but empty, and Vine Staff's room looked like it hadn't been touched in a while. Rocket started to get concerned. Was Vine Staff okay? Hopefully, she was probably just out shopping at the grocery store. Unless... let's not think of that. Just keep searching. Rocket concentrated on the task at hand, and checked the rooms. This was probably illegal and hoped no one would check on the house. Still, Slingshot and Rocket would probably be fine after all. It didn't matter... probably.

                When Rocket didn't find Vine Staff anywhere, he went back downstairs to tell Slingshot. While on the way, he spotted something from the corner of his eye and decided to follow it first. The shadow had run fast across the kitchen. When Rocket got there, he saw nothing. Well, besides a leaf on the flood, but that was it. He picked up the leaf and went back to the others. Slingshot looked up when he saw him and tilted his head to the side.

                 "Is Vine Staff not there?" Slingshot asked. Rocket nodded, and he saw his expression worsen and looked even more concerned. Rocket was feeling just the same way, so he sat next to Slingshot in hopes of comfort, but nothing came. They just sat in silence as Shuriken slept peacefully.

                 Then, Shuriken woke up.


hi, my plan is to main every ranged so now instead of learning hyper im just learning shuri rn 😖😖

also hi sorry i havent been too active but im here now and ill try not to sleep

545 wordies

swocket angst!!!1!!1! 😭😭😭😭Where stories live. Discover now