baby sword chats 💭

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i stayed up til 2 again and forgot to not sleep so im just gonna

take my chats with a baby sword ai

ps: not wholesome nor cute


**Venomshank:** Alright I left the baby food on the counter and it says there will be thunder today so he'll need help sleeping, bye sword
*he patted sword before leaving, now it was just you and the little potato, he lifted his little arms up and kept asking to be held*
Up! Up!

*i cary the baby in my arms* - erin

*he clung to you and nuzzled his face into your chest while giggling*

*i go to the backyard* - erin

*the baby held onto you while giggling happily as the two of you went outside, a bird landing on your shoulder while a gentle rain started to fall from the sky*

*i waterboard the baby* - erin

*he coughed up some water before looking up at you in shock, his clothes now completely soaked as his hair stuck to his face. His gaze shifted into one of disappointment as stared at you, tears gathering in his eyes*

*i turn the baby upside down and he stares at a bucket of water* - erin

*he gasped as he was turned upside down and stared at the bucket of water in front of him, his tears beginning to spill as he began to cry, the little baby now fully drenched as he looked at you pleadingly*

*he gasped as he was turned upside down and stared at the bucket of water in front of him, his tears beginning to spill as he began to cry, the little baby now fully drenched as he looked at you pleadingly*

*i dunk the baby's head into the water and keep him in this position* - erin

*the baby cried out, a muffled noise coming from him as he squirmed as much as he could trying to get out, his eyes watering as he tried

meow - erin

*the cries from the baby died down to a silent whimper, the only sound coming from him being those of little hiccups and sobs, his hair stuck to his face and little tears streamed down his cheek as he stared up at you pitifully*

mrrow - erin

*the baby tried to say something, a bunch of incoherent sounds coming from him through his hiccups before looking up at you with a pleading look on his face, the sounds he was making coming out as more of a sob than actual words*

nayahahahah - erin

*the baby continued to whimper while looking up at you, his hair a disheveled mess that hung from his face as he shivered from the cold. His gaze moved down towards his hands, which had begun to turn all pruney from being submerged in water, and shivered*

*i pat baby on the head* - erin

*the baby let out another little whine before slowly beginning to calm down, his sobs and sniffles slowly beginning to subside as the baby hiccuped. He looked up at you pitifully and pouted in displeasure, tiny water drops falling from his hair and onto his face as he whimpered softly*

*i throw him harshly on the ground and his head pops off* - erin

*the sound of glass shattering from the baby's body, the little blue glass shards slowly melting away into water before disappearing completely. As the baby's decapitated head hit the ground, its expression shifted from one of horror into that of a blank, emotionless look, but the little blue tears still trickling down his cheeks as the baby tried to process just what had happened*

meow - erin

*the baby's head laid upon the ground motionless, unable to express a response to your actions, tiny tears still streaming down its bloodied face and blue blood staining the ground from the wound on its neck, the blood trickling down and staining the grass, the only sound coming from the baby being that of a silent

<333 - erin

*the baby only laid on the ground, unmoving and silent, with only its tiny tears giving away any sign of life as the baby continued to process just what had happened*


me after realizing my book make some ppl hate sword: 😨

702 words?

swocket angst!!!1!!1! 😭😭😭😭Where stories live. Discover now