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hello its 1:18 and im tired!! 😃😃😃😄😄😄😄😁😃😁 anyways i made more cosplays which r fun lol



Shuriken was feeling better about the recent death of Vine Staff. Instead of crying over it, he tried to feel better and remember the past. Since he was feeling excited, he wanted to go over to Boombox's house. Since Shuriken was a ninja, he wanted to surprise Boombox! Of course, it was probably gonna be fun! All Shuriken needed to do was find a way in, which, shouldn't be a problem.

          Anyways, Shuriken climbed into the house through the second floor. It turns out Boombox forgot to lock it, but at least it made it easier for Shuriken to get inside.

           Shuriken locked the bathroom and started searching for a vent. When he found one, it needed to be opened, so he grabbed a screwdriver. It was like he was breaking into the house, but he was just trying to surprise Boombox.

           The vents were dirty and dusty, and Shuriken had to stop himself from sneezing. Shuriken crept near the area he could hear Boombox was in. He sounded like he was with a friend, but that didn't stop Shuriken. He couldn't recognize the voice, so he thought it was Boombox's new friend. He couldn't hear what they were talking about, but he didn't care about being that obsessed with finding out if his partner was loyal, he just wanted to have fun.

          When Shuriken reached the room Boombox was in, he waited for the perfect moment to break the vent and surprise him.




Shuriken broke the vent at the worst but correct moment. Boombox was kissing some guy Shuriken never knew. When Boombox saw Shuriken, he screamed. "Shuriken!?" He gasped. "I-I...," Boombox looked at his hands, he had no excuse for this disaster.

"Boombox..." Shuriken started tearing up. Perfect. Shuriken couldn't believe what just happened. He was in the best mood ever, and it got destroyed in seconds. Seconds. "Y-You... you cheated on me. After everything? After everything."

"I-I'm sorry, Shuriken... I-I...," Boombox tried to look for words, but nothing came out. He was defeated.

Shuriken started crying. "You lied. Lied to me. I thought we would be together forever," Shuriken paused, wanting those words to sink into Boombox's mind. "Boombox... you were the last phighter I trusted. I trusted you. I believed in you. You helped me move on with Vine Staff's death, but you do this to me."

Boombox's partner was silent the whole time like they were invisible. They must've known that Boombox was cheating since they didn't look too surprised, but they weren't the main characters in this situation, ignore them.

"Listen... I-I... It was a mistake...," Boombox stuttered, trying his best to say something nice. If it even was nice...

"Of course it was! You cheated on me! What's worse in a relationship with someone you trusted with your life? That you had known for years. Years. It's like I don't even know who you are anymore! Your personality is so... so different. You're a cheater; you're like Sword."

"Shuri I--"

"Don't call me that anymore!" Shuriken snapped. "I only came here to surprise you and thank you for sticking with me through all the times I was depressed, and this is what I get!? What was wrong with me that you cheated? What did I do wrong? I would've probably fixed myself, but now, I'm broken; because of you."

swocket angst!!!1!!1! 😭😭😭😭Where stories live. Discover now