break but cool stories 💭

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hello i have no ideas rn but like... why not just... make a short story cause yeahh?

lets do phighters meet their mini selves cuz yeah!!

im just not gonna use grammar cause im bored


"GUYS!!" subspace runs to the other phighters. theyre all in one place, since subspace called them there. "I MADE... MINI US!!" he holds out a mini version of himself, which looks like hes up to something evil.

"fr?" rocket's eyes widened and sparkled when he saw his mini self. he picked it up, and ran away. sword ran after him with his little self in his hand.

"what the fuck?" medkit saw his mini self, he looked tired, and wanted to be asleep. medkit placed him down on the ground and walked away.

boombox picked up the mini medkit and had both his mini self and mini medkit in both hands. boombox squealed, "OMGOSH!! SKATEBOARD, SLINGSHOT, LOOK!!!" boombox was so excited to see mini phighters.

skateboard held his mini self, he pinched the clothing on his back, and his mini self was spining around. (guys idk how to describe this) "woahhh..." skateboard was so interested in the little guy. he was so adorable, who wouldnt want a little version of themselves?

slingshot brought his mini self home, and he started teaching him how to bake. "okay, now grab your flour and..." slingshot had given his smaller self his own supplies. it was small for him, but the right size for the little sling.

"hehehe!! time to teach myself my secret techniques!" shuriken had his clone on his shoulder, and was looking proud. the mini self stood in the same pose as him, heads high, they both acted like they were the best people. better than anyone else.

vine staff patted her self on the head. (mini self) she grabbed a flower, and handed it to her. the flower was bigger than the small vine staff, but she was able to carry it.

rocket and sword crouched together, and watched their mini selves play together. (lets hope my fanfic didnt make you forget swocket) they both were holding their weapons in the air. it was so adorable. rocket was tempted to pat them both on the head with two fingers. sword was giggling quietly when he saw rocket's eyes glow. "haha, youre so happy," sword teases.

"YEA, BUT THEYRE SO CUTE!!" rocket points out. sword laughs even more, and soon the two little clones walk in a direction. the world must be so big for them. walking through a big forest. it made sword feel worse to think about a bird snatching one of them.


"huh...? wha---BLOODY HELL!" medkit got ambushed by 27 little biographs. they attacked his shoes. medkit started running, but for some damn reason the biographs were fast as fuucckkkk. once they used their phinisher, it was over. medkit ran behind a tree and for some stupid reason the biographs ate the tree. (idk wtf lmao) "DUDE HOLY FUCK GET AWAY!" medkit tried to stomp on the biographs, but like... holy fuck they just stabbed his shoe.

okay, anyways, while medkit was getting harassed by small biographs, hyperlaser and his little self were staring at eachother. none of them were moving. just silence. nothing moved. they both stayed calm, and acted like npcs for no reason.


okay guys lmao im done writing neow but prob my grammar sucks so like cya tmr if i even make up a plan for the next part

idk what i should do but im probably gonna end it soon and ill start getting anxiety for next book stuff idk lmao

608 words

swocket angst!!!1!!1! 😭😭😭😭Where stories live. Discover now