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hello guys this is me at 9:58 pm but im writing because i feel like venting so yeah anyways today my best friend came over and while we were chilling i went on discord and started texting my friends there and then one of my friends started sending phighting characters and i got happy and started sending too but then i sent too many photos and my friends started yelling at me to stop but i wasnt even sending any more photos and it still made me send photos (im sorry i dont know how to explain) and then someone removed me and added me back in and then everyone started praising that person but since my best friend was at my house i wasnt able to cry. later in the shower i remember about it and i start crying in the shower and you know when you smash your keyboard you start saying stuff like "eidhjwbekwbwiwbwkwvwi" well thats what i did but i said it in real life. later, i hop on my ipad and scroll to those same messages and i swear, i have never cried any louder than i just have this whole year. normally i cry silently but i could not control my tears. bro i kept reading them again and again and i just hated myself and i still do now. im crying as i write this text and i dont know anymore. im just feeling suicidal rn and i just feel like sleeping and never waking up again. and yes, i understand it was all my fault. im just sensitive. i swear if they read this and start saying "but it was still ur fault" theres a low chance im going to do this but im going to sneak into my kitchen, grab a fucking knife, and stab myself until my body becomes too weak to move.

i hope that makes sense lol.

10:29 pm

hello i feel excited that two friends r coming to my house tomorrow so we can have one of the best weekends ever but also very depressing because of the very cool vent i typed at 9


"Oh, no, not you...," Rocket groaned. He hated Broker, and now that he was in Banland, he had to deal with him.

       "Hiii!~" Broker grinned. He waved at him through the cage, and it made Rocket even more annoyed. Rocket sighed and looked outside of the cage, he saw that lava was beneath him, and hesitated. What if his cage fell? Broke off? He felt anxious and stressed.

       For the first day, Rocket just sat around. It was boring, like watching the paint dry. The only entertainment was Broker's voice, it annoyed Rocket, but still kept him occupied. He stared at the lava, the orange liquid kept swooshing around, and bubbles even floated above it.

      On the second day, everything felt different. Banland seemed more... fun. Rocket stared at his hands, and he felt as if he was becoming silly. The thing that snapped him out of it was that his cage dropped a bit, and Rocket screamed in fear. "Hehe!~ Don't worry, these cages are sturdy and won't break!~" Broker reassured him, but right after he said that an empty cage next to Broker fell off. Rocket and Broker stared at the cage that had just fallen into the lava, and Rocket got even more stressed. He took a deep breath and tried to stay sane.

* * *

       When Skateboard learned about the news of Rocket being in Banland, he felt bad. Extremely bad. He heard it was for a week, but Skateboard couldn't stand to be without Rocket. (phighting logic let the verdict be for a week) He thought about turning himself in.

    * * *

       On the third day, Rocket and Broker saw Scythe and Medkit. Medkit had Scythe on his shoulders, and they were trying to reach Broker. "C'mon!" Scythe screamed impatiently. She held her hand out, and Broker turned his head to look at Rocket, before quickly taking Scythe's hand, and the trio left. Rocket felt alone, and he started feeling even more weird. It was like he was enjoying this. This was fun. Rocket loved to stare into the lava. Sometimes, some phights would happen, and Rocket would watch them play.


guys we gotta make this short because im tired and my friends r coming over!!! im sorrryyyy!!!!!

731 words

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