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finally part 20!! also i just finished a book lol, but it's kinda short and maybe took me two days to finish but now im moving to a new book.



Rocket's eyes opened, and he saw people staring at him. He didn't recognize any of them. One had this weird... helmet on. His helmet had a red strip in the middle. And another person had a green hat on with this thing covering his eyes. Another phighter had green horns too, but he had a black hood on. Rocket's eyes widened when he was hugged by the phighter with a helmet. He quickly felt uncomfortable and tried to move away, but he was lying in a hospital bed, and for some reason, he felt pain when he tried to move. "W-Who are you?" Rocket asked, "Could you stop hugging me? I have no idea who you are."

      The one with the helmet tilted his head, "Rocket! Stop playing around, this isn't funny!" he scolded. He broke the hug.

     "Dude, I have no idea who the hell you are."

     "..." They gasped, "That dumb motherfucker had to throw that sword." He sighed, and decided to control himself, "It's me, Skateboard. Do you not remember what happened last night?"

    "No? What? Did you just move here? Also, why am I even in the hospital?" Rocket started questioning.

    "Uhm, I'll get the nurse!" Skateboard's head looked up to see Boombox hurrying out the door before he and Vine Staff came back in.

    "What's the problem?" she asked.

    "Rocket seemed to... forget who we are," Skateboard mumbled. He watched Vine Staff's eyes widen. She then hurried out of the room and came back with Medkit this time.

    She quickly explained to Medkit what happened to Rocket. "Wait, isn't he that bitch who tried to vent to me about Sword cheating on him?" Medkit asked. Vine Staff felt a bit confused but nodded even without knowing the full story. Medkit sighed, before walking up to Rocket to ask him questions. "Do you know who I am?" he tried to sound gentle. Rocker shook his head, no, and Medkit sighed again. "Yup, Sword's sword had probably done something to his brain," Medkit concluded.

(guys my friend recommended to add a bit of shuribox!!)

     Shuriken held Boombox's hand tightly. "Uhh, so what now?" Shuriken asked.

     "He's fine, but he needs to spend a couple more days in the hospital. I guess you guys could come and try to make him remember shit." Medkit scoffs.

      A ringing comes from Rocket's phone, and he's about to pick it up before Skateboard grabs it. He sees that the call is from Slingshot and quickly declines it. "Bro, what the fuck was that for?" Rocket felt a bit stubborn, "Also, why are you touching my phone? I don't even know who you are! No one had told me why I was even in this hospital!"

     Skateboard felt a bit mad, "Just... do you want the story or not!? Just let me explain!" he yelled. "Okay, so, you were dating this guy named Sword, but he cheated on you with someone named Slingshot. You got so depressed you were about to take your own life, but we stopped you. Then uhm..." Skateboard paused to think before continuing, "you and me we--" he managed to say before Vine Staff entered the room.

     "Hello, angels! I'm sorry, but I need to talk to Rocket privately. Could you guys maybe leave the room, please?" she asked them. Skateboard sighed, and everyone left the room. "Okay, Rocket, I'm Vine Staff. I'm a nurse here, and my right arm is cursed, but please don't be scared. Also, don't feel anxious to ask questions, okay? I'm going to also be asking you questions, and if you feel uncomfortable with a question just tell me," she said in a gentle tone. Rocket slowly nodded. "Alright, so, what do you remember? Uhm, for example... how do I explain? Do you remember anyone? Like, do you have a parent, friend, cousin, anyone that you know or remember?" she asked.

       "Uhm, Zuka is the only person I know," Rocket answered. Vine Staff nodded and wrote it down on a piece of paper.

       "Now, do you remember anything from last night before you got here?" she asked.

      "No," Rocket replied before watching Vine Staff write on a piece of paper once again.

    "Do you know how to use any weapons?" Vine Staff questioned.

    "Oh, rocket launchers of course!" Rocket smiled.

     "Great! Okay, that's all the questions for you. Thank you so much for answering them. If you need to eat, just ask us," the nurse sighed. Rocket nodded. "Alright, I'll leave now. Get some rest," she smiled before leaving the room.

     Rocket stared at the ceiling, he was extremely confused. This all happened so quickly, that he didn't understand anything. He decided to just listen to Vine Staff's words, and he closed his eyes. He then drifted into sleep.

          Sword entered the building.


mmmmm!! cheese and bread...

okay you wild gooses its 11:18 pm and i am in a good mood because my speaker is playing good music. i will probably cya tmr!!

also please comment something because i get kinda anxious if my normal commenters dont comment and i just think they stopped reading my book. uhm yeah anyway rhank you guys for reading im going to sleep

900 words

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