(⚠️) The Truth

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im gonna make it so rocket finally tels sword!! xoxo <33

tbh im down so bad for skateboard at this point ill make this a boardket book- jk unless yall srsly want it

also guys there are fights between skate and sword 🤫🧏 careful!!

After the group waited a long time. They heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Some of them turned their head to see, and they see Rocket. "Uhm..." Rocket apologizes uncomfortably, "I-I'm sorry." He walks over to the table and goes near Sword. "Sword, could I talk to you? Alone?" Rocket asks seriously.

"Okay," Sword sighs, he wipes tears off his face and follows Rocket to his room.

(dont think of it like that 😳)

"If he is the fucking reason, I'll kill him," Skateboard mumbles to himself.


"So, uhm, the reason I've been through all of this... it might include you," Rocket sighs, trying to keep in his tears. Sword listens to him. "One day, I bought marshmallows and flowers. I was gonna give them to you, but I saw you walking somewhere, so I followed you," Rocket takes a deep breath before continuing, "I saw you go to Slingshot's Cat Cafè." Sword knew he messed up badly. He tried to stay calm while listening. "I-I..." Rocket tears up. He grabs his phone and shows Sword the picture he had taken when he saw Sword kiss Slingshot's forehead. Sword felt horrible, he didn't know Rocket found out. He tried to hold back his tears. Sword looked at Rocket.

"I...I'm sorry.." he tried to apologize, "I-It was a mistake."

"Mistake?" Rocket asked.


"Cheating on me?"

     "I-I know, I'm sorry."

      "So what now? Gonna break up with Slingshot?"

     "I..." Sword thought for a moment before replying, "No, I'm not."

       "Of course you wouldn't..." Rocket mumbles.

      "Slingshot is honestly better than you." Sword sighed.

     "As if you had good taste," Rocket replied.

       "As if you were even good enough." Sword gets a bit irritated.

       "Good enough? The fucking day I found you cheating, I bought presents for you. Are you serious?" Rocket starts getting a bit mad back.

      "I can buy my presents, thank you." Sword looked like he just roasted Rocket hard.

       "Like you have money? I see you being lazy, I didn't even ask my dad for money. I worked hard, just for you." scoffed Rocket.

       "You don't even love me." Sword sighs.

       "Love you? Are you serious? I wasted my money, time, words, breath, and especially love on you. You cheated on me. With a fucking whore. Are you serious? You can't be saying I never loved you." Rocket tries to hold in his tears, clenching his fists out of anger.

      "You can't be talking. Your little bitch ass self was so jealous of me liking Slingshot that you tried to give yourself the attention? I don't fucking care. Tell your dad this shit. I'll tell my dad." Sword tries to not scream at Rocket.


      "I SAID I'M SORRY, OKAY!?" Sword screams back.

     "A SORRY ISN'T ENOUGH!!" Rocket yells. The others hear them, and Vinestaff and Skateboard check on them. They run up the stairs, and when they open the door they find Rocket and Sword fighting.

(as in talk fighting idk)

Sword and Rocket stare at them both when they realize the disruption of their argument. Skateboard can't hold in his anger any longer and tackles Sword. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!!" Skateboard screams. Rocket and Vine Staff gasp.

    "SKATEBOARD!!!" Vine Staff drags Skateboard off of Sword, he tries to break free, but Vine Staff is stronger than him.

(vine staff is a girl boss who mews way more than everyone else)

    "I WANT TO KILL HIM!!" Skateboard yells.

     "Skateboard, calm down," Rocket says nervously. Skateboard looks at Rocket and relaxes. Vine Staff finally lets go of Skateboard. Sword gets off the ground as Skateboard glares at him, and the room is just pretty much a mess. Slingshot, Shuriken, and Boombox run upstairs to check on what happened.

    "What the hell was that yelling we heard?" Shuriken asks. Slingshot nods in agreement.

   "Skateboard... maybe tackled Sword," Vine Staff answers.

    "Damn..." Slingshot gasps, "didn't know he could get this mad."

   Rocket sighs, "They're okay, but Skateboard is still angry." He scratches the back of his head, feeling nervous about the situation. Sword wants to say something, but he knows that Skateboard is probably going to do something stupid to him if he says a word.

  "Well, what happened?" Boombox asks. Vine Staff looks at Rocket and Sword. Rocket takes a deep breath before briefly explaining, "Sword might've cheated on me." Skateboard is about to attack Sword again until Boombox puts a hand on his shoulder.

   "Calm down, buddy," Boombox sighs. Vine Staff nods in agreement. Slingshot's eyes widen when he realizes Rocket knows about this. He feels like thanking Rocket that he didn't expose him until Sword says something.

    "Don't just blame me! I was dating Slingshot!" Sword tries to shift part of the blame on Slingshot. The others turn their heads, except Vine Staff. She sighs and looks down, at the floor. Slingshot feels pressured and starts to sweat. He knows he doesn't have an explanation, and he starts to panic inside.
This can't be happening! Slingshot thinks to himself. Maybe part of it was my fault, but I didn't mean for it to go this far! he tells himself.

    "Slingshot? Him? You two together?" Boombox asks, "How the fuck do you two even get together?"

    "Uhm, Sword and I stopped at Slingshot's Cafè. He then fell in love at first sight," Rocket replies. Shuriken gasped, he didn't know how to handle this drama. Skateboard tried to control himself, but all he could think of was being violent, he launched at Sword again and started punching him.

    "SKATEBOARD STOP!!" Vine Staff yells. Vine Staff and Shuriken work together to try and get Skateboard off of Sword. Instead of Sword doing nothing, he fights back. He grabs Skateboard's fist and headbutts him. Vine Staff and Shuriken grab Sword, while Slingshot and Rocket grab Skateboard.

    "Enough violence, guys," Rocket chuckles nervously. Vine Staff, Shuriken, and Slingshot agree.

   "No more fights!" Boombox stays, he stands in between them. Skateboard glares at Sword, and he glares back.

    "Bitch..." Skateboard mumbles to himself.

    "Pussy," Sword tells himself. When the two calm down, the others let them go.


idk what else to write!!!!

also im so happy because this is the most words ive ever used!!

tysm for all the reads and ty for reading 😭😭😭

1114 words

swocket angst!!!1!!1! 😭😭😭😭Where stories live. Discover now