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The twins woke up to their little sister shaking them from the front seat.

"Guys, wake up. We're here." The girl squealed in excitement about the trip. She had no idea where they were going, but she was beaming with joy anyway.

Scarlett opened her eyes and lifted her head off of the seat. She looked down at her body and noticed she was no longer in the clothes that she was wearing earlier. She was now dressed in grey sweatpants, a pink hoodie, and her white converse. "What the hell?" The blonde girl muttered.

Scarlett panicked and reached for her neck. She let out a breath of relief when she realized that JJ's ring and the matching necklace she had with Sarah still hung safely around her neck.

The girl looked over at her twin to see her with the same confused expression on her face.

"Wheeze, what's going on?" Sarah question her little sister, running her hands over her face as she did so.

Just when Wheezie was about to speak, the doors opened on both sides of the car.

Someone grabbed Scarlett and dragged her out of the car while another person grabbed Sarah and did the same.

"Who the hell are you?" Scarlett tried to wiggle out of the man's firm hold. "Get off of me!" She yelled. The man ignored her and continued dragging her around the car and to where the other man was standing with Sarah.

"Come on, girls." Rose rolled her eyes at her step daughters who were clearly frightened by the situation.

The men began walking, dragging the girls with them. It wasn't too hard to get the blonde girls to corporate because they were both still half asleep from the medicine and they had no idea where they were or what was happening.

The men dragged the girls onto the ship and through multiple always and stair cases before they finally reached a room. They placed the twins on the couch and left, locking the door on their way out.

Scarlett gasped and shot up at the sound of a horn blaring. Her eyes darted around the room before she turned her head and locked eyes with her sister who also seemed startled by the horn.

Sarah rubbed her temples while Scarlett ran her hands through her hair and over her face.

"Where the hell are we?" Scarlett woozily questioned her sister as they both sat up.

Sarah shrugged and stood up, looking out of a window which was right above her head. Scarlett followed her lead, curious to see what was happening.

Both girls expressions faltered when they stared out the window only to see water. There was no land anywhere. It was just miles and miles of ocean. They could even hear the seagulls flying around outside of the ship.

Both girls wandered away from the window and tried to understand the situation.

"Why do they keep doing this shit?" Sarah questioned her sister. She then walked over to the door and tried to open it, but it was locked.

"You're kidding, right?" Scarlett furrowed her brows and started towards the door, shoving her sister out of the way. She began trying to turn the knob, but it wouldn't open. "Shit!" She hit her hands against the door before turning around. "Fucking psychopaths." The blonde girl muttered.

"Assholes." Sarah nodded her head in agreement.

"God, I'm so done with this shit, Sar." Scarlett ran her hands through her hair.

"Me too, Star." Sarah frowned. "I can't believe this." She shook her head and walked over to a table that was in the corner of the room. She grabbed a knife off of a food tray and hurried over to the door.

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