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Hey guys!! I am so so so sorry that i haven't been posting a lot of chapters recently and I feel so bad because a lot of people have been saying that this fanfic has been the best one they've read.

First of all, I thank everyone who has commented and voted and just read my story in general. I truly thought that this fanfic wasn't going to go anywhere, but now I have 16K reads! That's literally insane to me!! I know it's not a lot, but it is to me because I really didn't think people would like this story.

Recently I've been trying to bring my motivation back for writing this fanfic, but I can't seem to get it. I have no motivation to write more chapters for this story, and honestly I think it's because obx has kind of died down recently. No one is really talking about it anymore because season three came out so long ago and season four isn't going to be out for a while.

I am definitely going to get more motivation to continue this story when season 4 comes out (I'm literally so excited guys) but as of right now, I don't think I will be posting chapters any time soon.

I have already fully completed season 1 and 2 so when season 4 comes out I will most likely be writing the next two seasons.

Don't worry, I am not completely abandoning this book. I honestly don't think I could ever do that. This fanfic has showed me my love for writing and reading and has really changed my life in a lot of ways. I learned that writing is actually my favorite thing to do as of right now. Whenever I'm sad? Write. Happy? Write. Excited? Write.

I promise I will be back when I gain my motivation back for this book, but until then, I was thinking of starting a new obx fanfic!

I was thinking maybe the oc could be Kiara's half sister, or related to John B in some way. Maybe even JJ's sister? I don't know. I have a lot of ideas. I'm not even sure who I want the love interest for my next fanfic to be, though.

If you guys have any ideas or requests, please comment and tell me them! I could use some opinions on what you guys want to read because I want to write something that you guys will like.

Anyway, that is all for now. Don't be mad at me for taking a break because I will be back, don't worry! Make sure to leave some opinions for my new story.

For all of time, and all of eternity

Love - Liv💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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