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"Oh my God! I can't believe you actually did this." Emily whisper yelled at Jess, who quickly shushed her as she placed the forged note on the counter

Mercedes stood next to Jess, grinning a bit as she looked between her friends.

"Don't you guys think this is a little bit cruel?" Sam spoke, looking around the group.

"Oh, come on. She deserves it." Jess scoffed slightly.

"It's not her fault she has a huge crush on Mike." Sam tried to reason with them.

"Hannah's been making moves on him. I'm just looking out for my girl Em." Jess grinned, shrugging.

"Hey, think of it this way Sammy. Hannah doesn't have to follow what the note says. She could see it then think 'I probs shouldn't, he's dating Em'." Mercedes shrugged, looking at Sam.

"But she won't, and we all know that." Sam hissed, trying to keep quiet as not to alert Beth about their activities.

"Well, that's her fault then. Just because he's class prez, doesn't mean he belongs to everyone. Mike is my man." Emily bragged, following Jess out of the room. Mercedes and Mike quickly followed, Sam rushing behind them to keep up.

"Hey, Em. I'm not anybody's man." Mike said, grinning and bumping Mercedes' shoulder as he walked by.

"Whatever you say, darling!" Emily singsonged as they walked to the guest bedroom with Ashley and Matt joining them. Mercedes went to follow but was pulled back by Sam.

"C'mon, 'Cedes. You know this is wrong. Hannah is Josh's sister. How do you think he'd feel knowing you participated in this?" Sam whispered to her.

Mercedes looked at Sam, swallowing harshly.

"They're my friends, Sammy. If I don't do it.. I mean you know them. They're not gonna be very nice to me if I chicken out." She whispered back, looking behind her to make sure none of the group were waiting for her. Which they weren't.

"Who would you prefer be nice to you? Your boyfriend and his family? Or a bunch of people who are rude half of the time anyway?" Sam said softly, her tone genuine.

Mercedes sighed, shaking her head.

"Fine. I'll go.. wait for Josh to wake up I guess." She mumbled, pulling out of Sam's hold.

Charitable +1

She started walking away when Sam spoke. "Thank you." She said softly before making her way upstairs.

Sam +1

Mercedes shrugged, walking back into the kitchen.

She walked up to her black out drunk boyfriend, sitting next to him.

She stayed silent, playing with his hair as he continued to be passed out on the kitchen counter.

She looked up at Beth as she peered out the window.

"Hey.. did you see that? Dad said it'd just be us this weekend." Beth said cautiously, turning around and jumping slightly at the sight of Mercedes.

"Oh Jeez! You scared me... hey, 'Cedes." She smiled sweetly.

"Hey, Beth. What'd you see out there?" She asked, still playing with Josh's hair.

"Uh, I dunno. Maybe nothing." She shrugged.

Mercedes nodded but furrowed her brows, trying to see out the window.

"Jeez, Josh. Once again, brother, you've outdone us all." Beth teased her unconscious brother.

Mercedes grinned, smiling a bit. She noticed Beth eyeing the note, and was about to stop her, but she stopped herself, looking back at Josh.

"What's this?" Beth mumbled to herself as she picked up the note, reading its contents. She looked over to Mercedes, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Did you know about this?" She asked Mercedes forcefully.

Mercedes was quiet for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah, i- I'm sorry. Sam tried to stop them, I don't know if she di-" She was cut off by a figure running by the window.

Honest +1

Beth and Mercedes looked at each other in worry, before Beth ran over and they both shoved Josh, trying to wake him.

When it didn't work, Beth grabbed Mercedes' wrist and tugged her towards the front door, where everyone was gathering outside.

"Hannah!" Sam called out.

"What's going on? Where is my sister going?" Beth rushed out.

"Ugh, it's fine... she just can't take a joke.." Jess scoffed slightly.

"It was just a prank, Han!" Emily called out, annoyance obvious in her tone.

"Wait, did Hannah.." Mercedes trailed off breathlessly, looking out at the forest.

"What did you do?" Beth demanded, looking at the group.

"We were just messing around, Beth.. it wasn't serious-" Beth cut Mike's excuses off.

"You jerks!" Beth yelled before running off into the forest, calling out Hannah's name.

"Wait! Beth! Maybe you shouldn't-" Mercedes tried yelling but Beth continued running.

"So.. should we go after her?" Mike said uncertainly.

Sam huffed and turned to him. "Y'know I kinda think you're the last person she wants to see right now, Mike."

Mercedes stared out at the forest, breathing heavily. "I'm gonna try and wake up Josh again." She said quietly, rushing back into the house.

She rushed to the kitchen, shaking Josh as soon as she got close enough. "Josh! Josh." She rushed out. "Wake up! Please." She exclaimed, shaking him.

He just let out a groan and then a snore.

Mercedes' face scrunched up and she buried it in his neck. "I'm sorry." She whispered against his skin.

Ashley -1
Emily -1
Jess -1
Matt -1
Mike -1

Relationship Status

Ashley: 5/10
Chris: 7/10
Emily: 7/10
Jess: 7/10
Josh: 9/10
Matt: 6/10
Mike: 7/10
Sam: 9/10

Personality Traits

Honest: 7/10
Charitable: 6/10
Funny: 6/10
Brave: 4/10
Romantic: 8/10
Curious: 7/10

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