11b- The Lodge

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If scrawled diary is not found
Continues on from where Mike gets pulled under water

They continued wading through the water until Mike suddenly stopped and started breathing heavily. "Oh fu-!" He started screaming but was cut off by being dragged under water.

"Josh.." She whispered, backing away slightly before a Wendigo popped out of the water and right in front of them. She tried to hold Josh behind her but he started yelling.

"No! You're not real! No.. you're not.." He trailed off at the end, breathing heavily.

The Wendigo grabbed Josh by his shirt and Mercedes immediately held onto him, her eyes scanning the Wendigo for a weak point to try and hit, but her eyes zeroed in on its arm. She gasped, seeing the familiar butterfly tattoo.

"No.. no, it's not.." Mercedes whispered to herself, backing away and losing her grip on Josh. She was about to grab him again but was pulled away from the back of her jacket, a hand covering her mouth.

She whimpered at the sound of Josh's screams that silenced after a few moments. "No!" She weakly screamed but the hand covering her mouth muffled it.

"Shh.. shh.. I'm sorry.." Mike mumbled into her ear quietly, keeping his hand over her mouth until they heard the Wendigo moving away. "C'mon.. quick." He hissed as they quickly made their way out.

As soon as they got out of the mines, Mercedes fell into his arms, sobbing. "He's dead." She cried into his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry.. I'm so so sorry, 'Cedes.." He whispered, stroking the back of her head.

She sobbed for a few more moments before she pulled away, tears still running down her cheeks. "We need to go to the lodge." She mumbled.

He nodded, holding her hand as they walked through the snow, towards the lodge.

"The.. the Wendigo.. it had a tattoo.." She mumbled to him after a few minutes of walking.

"Yeah..? What of?" He asked, looking down at her.

"A- a butterfly.." She whispered.

He halted for a few moments before they continued walking. "What..? Like.. Hannah's?" He asked quietly.

"I think so.. I saw it, and I thought of Hannah.. but.. does that mean.. she ate someone? Beth.. maybe?" She mumbled, wiping her eyes.

"Fuck.. I don't even want to think about that.." He grumbled, shaking his head. "Come on.. we gotta go to the lodge." He grabbed her hand and they continued walking through the snow to the lodge.

A few minutes later they approached the lodge, seeing Sam banging at the front door, yelling.

"Sam.." Mike mumbled, gripping Mercedes' hand.

She jumped and whipped around, exhaling deeply when she saw it was just them. "Shit! Guys." She breathed heavily. "Oh gosh.. you two look terrible.."

"We're gonna look worse if we stay out here." He grumbled. "Come on!"

Sam nodded and grabbed a rock, smashing it through the glass before reaching throw and unlocking and opening it.

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