8b- The Door

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If Chris chose to shoot Ashley
Continues on from where the stranger dies

"We're right out in the open.. we gotta get out of here!" The man yelled. Just as he finished speaking, the creature jumped down and sliced his hand across the man's throat, cutting it.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" Chris yelled as the man's body fell to its knees and his head dropped off.

"Oh god, Chris.." Mercedes whimpered. The thing landed in front of them and Chris quickly shot it.

"Come on!" He yelled to Mercedes as he started to run. They ran and both ducked under a tree trunk across the path.

Chris turned back and shot at the Wendigo that jumped at them. "Yeah! Suck it!" He yelled.

"Not the time Chris! Come on!" Mercedes yelled and started to run again. They continued running and jumped off of a ledge, Mercedes went to keep running but heard Chris groan behind her. She turned back and saw him on his knees.

"Come on! You're okay!" She exclaimed as she grabbed his arm and helped him up, helping him to continue running.

The Wendigo landed in front of them again and Chris quickly shot it. They could barely move forward before it landed in front of them again. Chris shot it once more and they quickly ran to the door.

Ash slowly approached the door as they both banged on it.

"Ash! Ash, come on! This thing is right behind us! Let us in! Please!" Chris yelled, banging on the door as he quickly looked behind him every few words.

Mercedes' face scrunched up as she saw Ashley not moving, just staring at them.

"Ash.. Ash! Don't do this! Let us in!" She yelled, tears building in her eyes as she caught eye contact with Ashley who stepped backwards.

"Ash! Wha- what are you doing?" Chris screamed as he banged on the door.

Chris started to scream again but was cut off by the Wendigo pulling him backwards.

"Oh god! Oh no!" Mercedes screamed, continuing to bang on the door. "Chris!" She whimpered as she watched the Wendigo grab Chris' head and start to pull it up, and eventually off, separating his head from his body.

"Fuck! No! No, please! Ashley!" Mercedes sobbed, turning back to look at Ash, crying even more as she saw Mike run up from behind the stationary girl, his jaw dropping at the sight. She watched as Mike went to open the door but the Wendigo had already lunged at Mercedes and slammed her head down, crushing it between its hand and the ground.


If Chris chose to shoot Ash
If Sam threw the vase at the psycho, causing Mercedes to put a piece in her pocket

"We're right out in the open.. we gotta get out of here!" The man yelled. Just as he finished speaking, the creature jumped down and sliced his hand across the man's throat, cutting it.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" Chris yelled as the man's body fell to its knees and his head dropped off.

"Oh god, Chris.." Mercedes whimpered. The thing landed in front of them and Chris quickly shot it.

"Come on!" He yelled to Mercedes as he started to run. They ran and both ducked under a tree trunk across the path.

Chris turned back and shot at the Wendigo that jumped at them. "Yeah! Suck it!" He yelled.

"Not the time Chris! Come on!" Mercedes yelled and started to run again. They continued running and jumped off of a ledge, Mercedes went to keep running but heard Chris groan behind her. She turned back and saw him on his knees.

"Come on! You're okay!" She exclaimed as she grabbed his arm and helped him up, helping him to continue running.

The Wendigo landed in front of them again and Chris quickly shot it. They could barely move forward before it landed in front of them again. Chris shot it once more and they quickly ran to the door.

Ash slowly approached the door as they both banged on it.

"Ash! Ash, come on! This thing is right behind us! Let us in! Please!" Chris yelled, banging on the door as he quickly looked behind him every few words.

Mercedes' face scrunched up as she saw Ashley not moving, just staring at them.

"Ash.. Ash! Don't do this! Let us in!" She yelled, tears building in her eyes as she caught eye contact with Ashley who stepped backwards.

"Ash! Wha- what are you doing?" Chris screamed as he banged on the door.

Chris started to scream again but was cut off by the Wendigo pulling him backwards.

"Oh god! Oh no!" Mercedes screamed, continuing to bang on the door. "Chris!" She whimpered as she watched the Wendigo grab Chris' head and start to pull it up, and eventually off, separating his head from his body.

"Oh fuck.." Mercedes breathed heavily, quickly thinking back to when she pocketed the piece of porcelain from the broken vase. As the Wendigo lunged at her, she quickly pulled the piece out and stuck it in its eye, causing an ear piercing screech. "Fuck you!" She exclaimed, slamming her elbow through one of the glass panes on the door, shattering it.

"Fuck! Fuck! Okay.." She breathed heavily, ignoring Ashley's shocked gaze as she stared to wiggle her way through the hole in the door, holding back her cries of pain as the glass cut into her stomach.

She had got halfway through before the Wendigo apparently recovered and grabbed onto her legs. She screamed and looked up at Ash.

"Ash! Please! Help!" She screamed, holding out her hands but Ashley stayed stuck in place.

"Mercedes!" She heard Mike call out to her as he reached the door. He went to grab her hands to tug her through but the Wendigo tugged on her legs again and her whole bottom half came clean off. Her screams were cut off as the Wendigo grabbed her torso and pulled ome half away from the other, leaving her in three pieces.

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