5b- Fire Tower

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If Mercedes went to go with Emily and Matt instead of Chris and Ashley

As Emily pulled Matt away, making Mercedes stumble, she spoke. "Wait, Matt." She mumbled.

He turned back, pulling his wrist away from Emily, causing a huff from her. "Yeah, 'Cedes?"

"Can- can I come with you?" She mumbled.

"Course." He nodded. Mercedes nodded, looking back at Chris and Ash.

"Good luck with finding Sam. We should be back soon." She mumbled, before following Matt and Emily.

Upper Cable Car Station

As Mercedes, Emily, and Matt walked through the gate, Matt and Mercedes turned back, hearing a beep from the gate.

Matt pressed the button again, only for it to be locked. "It's locked! The hell who did that? There's some seriously uncool shit going on up here." Matt grumbled, wrapping an arm around Mercedes to stabilise her as they walked down the hill.

"I can't believe Josh is dead." Emily huffed.

"I can't believe how he died." Matt mumbled, keeping his arm around Mercedes' shoulders.

"No I mean, what if- what if you were wrong?" Emily murmured.

"What?" Mercedes asked weakly.

"I just- I mean maybe I should've checked." Emily shrugged.

"Emily, it was messed up. You wouldn't have wanted to see it." Matt shook his head.

"I don't know. There are some things you have to see for yourself." Emily shrugged.

"I saw it for myself, Emily, and I wish I hadn't of." Mercedes spoke quietly.

"Yeah.. yeah, sorry." She shrugged.

Matt approached a can of red paint that was spilled across the snow. "Paint? It's still fresh."

Matt chewed on the inside of his cheek before standing up and noticing that Mercedes' jacket was covering in Josh's blood. "Here." He pulled his letter jacket off, and passed it over. "You can take that off. You- you don't need to have a reminder of what happened."

Mercedes shook her head. "It- it's Josh's. I don't want to let go of it. Thank you though."

Matt chewed on his lip and nodded. "Okay. Just let me know if you need it." He said softly, putting his jacket back on.

"Matt!" Emily called out from the cable car, huffing. "Come on!"

"Sorry." Matt mumbled and put his hand on Mercedes' back as they walked to join Emily.

"Look, an axe.. I feel better with an axe." Matt shivered and pulled the axe out of the door,

Emily twisted the door knob, huffing. "Oh what now? This is locked! Well break the door down will ya, Matt?"

"Whoa, wait a second. We start smashing shit down he's gonna hear us." Matt shook his head.

"I dunno.." Matt mumbled, looking around. "What about... look!" Matt pointed at a slightly opened window.

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