11a- The Mines

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Mercedes groaned as she reached out to Sam who was waiting at the top of the rock wall for her.

"You can do it!" Sam encouraged her. "Just a bit more and I can help you get up!"

Merceds whimpered and climbed a bit more before Sam grabbed her forearms and tugged her up.

"Fuck! Thank you! How do you do that for fun?" Mercedes groaned as she collapsed as soon as she made it to the top.

Sam smiled and helped her up before they started walking.

"I hate mines.." Mercedes grumbled as they walked up a set of stairs off to the right.

"Not my favourite thing ei-" Sam was cut off when a rock fell and smashed through the stairs. "Jesus!" She exclaimed at the same time Mercedes yells and jumped.

"Why I hate mines. They collapse too easy." Mercedes huffed as they continued walking. Dust fell down on top of them, making the, pause their steps.

"What was that?" Sam grumbled.

They walked off to the left, and Mercedes went to speak but the mine started shaking and the bridge started to crumble and fall apart. They grabbed onto the metal railings and each other's hand before jumping over to the other side.

"Fucking horrifying!" Mercedes exclaimed, breathing heavily. Sam tightly held onto one of Mercedes' hands as they continued walking.

"Huh." Sam hummed as she picked up a pipe. "Come on.." She mumbled and started walking again.

"I hate this.." Mercedes whispered.

"Yeah, I do too." Sam agreed as they reached a ledge to jump down from.

They hopped down and started walking along until they heard a screech come from behind the door in front of them. "Sammy.." Mercedes mumbled, gripping Sam's arm

Sam nodded and slowly approached, but before they could get a chance to get any closer, the door swung open and Mike rushed in. "Goddammit! Stay out there!" He yelled, trying to close the door but a Wendigo pushed it open and landed on top of him.

"Mike! Holy shit!" Sam exclaimed before hitting the Wendigo in the head with the metal pipe making it collapse and lay in front of Mercedes.

"Ew! What the fuck!" She yelled, kicking its head, sending it flying.

Mike breathed heavily, getting up and slamming the door shut. "You guys alright?" Mike asked, breathing heavily.

"Uh, define 'alright'." Sam mumbled.

"Alive, for a start." Mike panted.

"Yeah. Yeah, alive's good." Sam nodded breathlessly.

"The hell are you two doing here anyway?" Mike asked, and despite him and Mercedes not quite getting along for the past couple hours, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, hugging her.

"We came to warn you about the Wendigos." Sam explained.

"I think I got it.." Mike mumbled, looking at the flaming Wendigo head. "Good kick." He mumbled to Mercedes.

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