10a- The Tunnel

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Tunnel to Sanatorium

Mercedes held onto Emily's hand and Chris's arm as they walked through the tunnels.

"This is gross." She grumbled, hearing the splash of water under her feet as they walked.

"Tell me about it." Emily huffed, grimacing as well.

"We literally stared a Wendigo in the face and this is what grosses you out?" Chris laughed a bit.

"Yes. The Wendigo was ugly as fuck, but this is just gross. I just got these shoes." Mercedes huffed.

"Come on guys! Hurry up! We gotta find Mike!" Sam called out from the front. "Come on!"

"Do we?" Emily grumbled quietly.

"Shush!" Mercedes laughed quietly, but she stopped when Chris pulled away and leant against the wall.

"Hey.. ah, I'm kinda gimping out here, guys.." Chris mumbled, wincing from the pain in his foot. "I think maybe you should go on without me."

"No. Chris. We are not leaving you. We're sticking together. Mike will just have to wait." Ashley huffed.

Chris sighed and pushed off of the wall, nodding. "Fine.."

"I'm gonna go ahead and talk to Sam, okay?" Emily said to Mercedes.

"Yeah.. go on." She nodded, letting go of Emily's hand and grabbing onto Chris's arm to help him walk. "How's your leg?"

"Fuckin' busted." He grumbled, limping as they walked.

"Weak ankles." She grinned, nudging him.

"Weak bones. You remember when I broke my arm in 6th grade after Josh pushed me at that trampoline park?" Chris laughed a bit.

Mercedes laughed, leaning her head against his arm as they walked ahead.

Chris +1

"Oh shit!" Sam groaned as she pulled on the metal doors at the end of the tunnel. "Mike must have locked it behind him. Crap! There's gotta be another way in."

"Wait.. hey! What about this?" Ashley pointed to a manhole cover.

"Oh.. huh.." Sam jogged up.

"I mean should.. should we try it?" Ash asked.

"Well it's not like we got a whole lot of choices here.." Sam shrugged.

Ash nodded and grabbed a pipe, sticking it into a hole and lifting it up. Sam and Ash lifted the grate off, putting it to the side.

"Okay this is maybe last place I wanna be right now." Ashley mumbled.

"I dunno. I'd prefer down there to outside." Mercedes shrugged.

"You wanna go first then?" Sam grinned.

"Oh no. Honours all yours." Mercedes shook her head, stepping back.

"Mhm. After you." Emily grumbled.

Sam sighed and started climbing down. "Not so bad." She breathed out. "You think this is the tunnel to the Sanatorium?"

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