10b- The Trapdoor

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If Ashley investigated the noise
Continues on from where they leave Ashley behind

Mercedes looked behind them as they continued walking, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Ashley should be caught up by now.. what's holding her up?" Mercedes mumbled, holding onto Chris's arm.

"Who cares?" Emily huffed. "Sorry, Chris." She mumbled.

"S'okay.." He shrugged.

"No, I'm serious, Emmy. Why's she taking so long?" Mercedes mumbled, letting go of Chris' arm.

"I don't know. Maybe she's just.. got lost or something." Emily sighed.

"I'm gonna go see if she's okay." Mercedes said.

"What?" Emily huffed.

"If she asks, tell Sam I'll be back in a minute." Mercedes mumbled, walking the opposite way that they came.

"Ash? Ashley!" She called out after a few minutes of walking.

"Help! Oh my God, Mercedes! Help me!" Mercedes whipped around at the sound.

"Ash!" Mercedes called out.

"Fuck.. shit.. okay.." Mercedes breathed out before following from where the noise came from.

"Ash!" She mumbled as she approached what looked like an open trapdoor. "God this is messed up.. I totally shouldn't have done this. This is how people get killed." She mumbled under her breath.

She stepped forward and felt something under her foot so she moved back and looked down. "Ash's beanie? What.. the.." She mumbled, noticing blood on the ground as well.

"Oh fuck. Oh no. Oh no." Mercedes whimpered, tears building in her eyes. She shakily stood up, holding Ashley's beanie, only to come face to face with the Wendigo. "Oh fuck!" She screamed, and tried to run away but it grabbed her, stabbing one of its fingernails right through her throat and dropped her to the ground.

She whimpered, gripping her throat, trying to stem the immense bleeding, but it slammed its hand down onto her torso, crushing her under its hand.


Ashley investigated the voice
If Chris stayed behind

Mercedes looked behind them as they continued walking, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Ashley should be caught up by now.. what's holding her up?" Mercedes mumbled to Emily.

"Who cares?" Emily huffed.

"No, I'm serious, Emmy. Why's she taking so long?" Mercedes mumbled. "Sam.. Ash isn't back yet.."

Sam turned around and her face scrunched up. "Huh.. maybe Chris came looking for us and Ash ran into him and she's helping him come follow us." She shrugged.

Mercedes nodded and chewed on her lip. "I'm gonna go see if I can find her."

"What? No. No splitting up." Sam said sternly.

"I'll be fine. Like you said, you need to find Mike. And Josh. Go on." Mercedes smiled before walking off the way they came.

"Ashley? Chris?" Mercedes called out after a few minutes of walking, but she didn't get a response.

"Ashley! Chris!" She called out again, only this time she got a response.

"Mercedes! Fuck! Help!" It sounded like Chris' voice.

"Oh God.." Mercedes whispered before running in the direction of the voice. "Chris!" She called out, approaching what looked like a trap door.

She went to approach it but bent down after noticing two things on the floor. "Chris' glasses and Ash's beanie.." She whispered before noticing the blond. "Oh fuck no. Oh Chris." She sobbed, stroking the glasses.

She didn't even get time to stand up or turn around and notice the Wendigo behind her before it stabbed her through the bottom of her chin, all the way through to the top of her head.

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