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Hospital Room
March 6

Mercedes sighed as soon as the police left the room, her head falling back onto the pillow behind her, closing her eyes as her head was fuzzy with all her thoughts.

"You done being interrogated?" Mercedes gasped, jumping slightly and opening her eyes, looking towards the door where Mike stood, grinning and holding flowers.

"Fuck.. you're still such a fucking dick." She grumbled, resting her head back again.

"Yeah well.." He shrugged, walked up to her bed, replacing the flowers on the bedside table with his fresh ones. "How are you?" He asked after a few minutes, putting his hand on her arm, right near where her drip was.

Mike +2

"Watch it." She hissed, squinting her eyes open at him before closing them again. "And.. fine. Hungry." She shrugged.

"What? You haven't been given food?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yeah.. but like, nothing nice. Just hospital food. Their main priority is that I'm getting fluids." She grumbled, holding up her arm with the iv in it.

"That's fucking messed up. You went like a month without food and they can't even order you some like, proper fucking food?" He scoffed, sitting down next to the bed.

"You're telling me." She huffed, rubbing her eyes, looking over at the bedside table, smiling slightly at the cards and flowers there. "How is everyone?" She mumbled, a bit scared of the answer.

"Fine.. more or less. We got a few injuries, but we're good." He shrugged, grinning.

"A few injuries? Who? What?" She mumbled.

He sighed, cracking his neck. "Matt's got a broken wrist. Ash has a dislocated shoulder. Chris has a broken ankle. Emily had some issues with her like pelvis hip sockets or whatever, and a fractured knee. Just a few scratches apart from that."

"Jess?" She asked softly.

He sighed again, rubbing his forehead. "Broken ribs. Internal bleeding. Broken ankle. She had to have a lot of surgery. She apparently had an issue in her brain. Like.. a concussion.. but a whole lot worse. But she's okay. A bit distraught, but she's getting back to her old self. Earlier today she was fussing over a scar on her chest that wasn't fully healed, and if she would still look okay in bikinis when summer comes." He smiled slightly.

Mercedes let out a laugh. "Of course she was." She smiled, closing her eyes.

"Mhm.. how are you? Medical wise?" He asked after a bit, looking at her tenderly.

"Dehydrated. Malnourished. And really fucking annoyed that the police couldn't get off their asses for a whole month and just left us down there." She huffed.

"Yeah that's.. that's so messed up." He chewed on his lip. "God.. Sam was so annoyed too. After she got out of hospital, she was in the police station almost every day, wondering why you guys weren't already back."

She sighed, nodding and closing her eyes. "I just don't understand why it took them so long."

"I don't either." He mumbled, reaching out to hold her hand. "Fuck.. I'm so glad you're alive." He whispered, chewing on the inside of his cheek.

She opened her eyes and looked down at him, squeezing his hand weakly.

"Is.. is Josh.." He trailed off, not wanting to say anything that would make her upset.

"He's fine. He's.. on medication that'll hopefully help him, but I haven't been able to see him yet." She shrugged.

"What? What the fuck? Why?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes, shrugging. "Something about how they think seeing me will trigger bad memories from down in the mines and it'll like push his healing backwards which is absolute bullshit, but whatever."

"You're his fucking girlfriend. You should be able to see him. Have Mr and Mrs Washington been able to see him?" Mike spoke quietly, trailing off as a nurse walked into the room to check Mercedes' vitals.

"Yeah.. they have. They came and saw me too. They couldn't thank me enough for what happened." Mercedes nodded, holding out her arm for the nurse to take some blood. Mike grimaced at the sight, looking down.

"Hopefully you'll get to see him soon. They can't keep him away from you forever." Mike grinned a bit.

Josh's Hospital Room
April 2

"Hey.." Mercedes trailed off as she entered Josh's hospital room, sitting on the chair next to his bed.

"'Cedes.." He breathed out, immediately surging forward and wrapping his arms around her. "Fuck. I've missed you so much, baby." He whispered into her neck.

She inhaled sharply, holding her tears back and stroking the back of his head. "I've missed you too, Josh. So much." She mumbled, kissing the top of his head.

A few moments later, he pulled away, shuffling over to the side to leave room for her to sit on the bed next to him. "Are you sure-" He cut her off.

"I shouldn't even be here anymore anyway, I don't need a whole bed. Come on." He patted the spot. She smiled at how happy he seemed, and she nodded, sitting down next to him in bed, leaning up against him.

"How are you feeling?" She asked him, looking up into his brown, doe eyes as he raised his hand to stroke her cheek.

"Good. Really good. I haven't felt this normal in.. a while." He continued stroking her cheekbone, admiring her face.

"You don't know how happy that makes me fe-" He cut her off suddenly by surging forward and kissing her, one of his arms immediately wrapping around her wait while the other held her neck. She gasped into his mouth, kissing him back after a few seconds when the shock wore off.

"Jeez.. what evoked that?" She giggled a bit as she pulled away.

"You being you. You being your gorgeous, amazing self." He grinned at her, playing with her hair.

"Shut up." She grumbled, her cheeks flushing.

"About how amazing you are? Never." He smiled, pressing a kiss to her nose.

"You seem so much better." She breathed out after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

"I am. I think.. everything that happened was a sort of trigger in my head. It changed things. Also, the meds. They're actually helping." He shrugged.

"I love you so much." She sighed, brushing her nose against his.

"I love you too." He mumbled, kissing her again.

Relationship Status

Ashley: 4/10
Chris: 8/10
Emily: 10/10
Jess: 8/10
Josh: 10/10
Matt: 8/10
Mike: 8/10
Sam: 10/10

Character Traits

Honest: 7/10
Charitable: 8/10
Funny: 8/10
Brave: 10/10
Romantic: 9/10
Curious: 6/10

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