6- Old Hotel

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Washington Lodge Basement

"Hey.. hey, look at this. Doesn't seem as old as some as the stuff down here." Ashley hummed, looking at a lighting book.

"A lighting catalogue?" Mercedes mumbled, looking over Ashley's shoulder.

"Industrial lightning." Ashley responded, flipping open the book.

"Random.." Mercedes grumbled.

"Mhm.." Ashley nodded, flicking to another page. "Look. One of the bulbs is circled."

"That's a powerful bulb." Chris commented as she looked over Ashley's shoulder.

She put the book down and picked up some scissors. "Huh.." She hummed, slipping the scissors into her pocket.

She walked over to some boxes and moved them out of the way, revealing a camera. "Woah.." Mercedes mumbled.

"Chris.." Ashley called him over. "You think it's the guy?"

"Well, that'd make sense, I guess.." Chris shrugged.

"I don't like being watched.." Ashley huffed.

Chris moved forward and turned the camera to the side. "Better?" Chris asked, raising his eyebrows.

Ashley huffed, picking up the camera. "Go suck an egg!" She huffed aggressively, making Mercedes smile a bit. She put the camera down and crossed her arms. "Now it's better." She spoke softly.

"C'mon, Ash." Mercedes smiled, walking ahead.

"Just when you think it can't get any better." Ashley grumbled as she picked up a doll's head with bugs crawling out of it.

"Gross." Mercedes grimaced.

"Nightmare fuel." Chris groaned.

As they continued walking through the basement, the lodge shook and dust rained down on them.

"What the hell?" Mercedes grumbled.

"Wait.. there's a whole 'nother room through here. It's mammoth.." Chris gasped as they walked through the basement.

"Why would the Washingtons not get rid of this? Why build on top of it?" Mercedes mumbled.

"I don't know if I wanna keep going." Ashley whimpered. They continued walking through the halls, and ended up in a place that looked like a hotel.

"What the hell?" Mercedes mumbled, looking around.

"Where.. in the world are we now?" Ashley whispered.

"Are you kidding me?" Chris grumbled.

"Did either of you know this was here?" Ashley asked.

"This? This is like a whole 'nother hotel. I had no idea this was here." Chris spoke.

"Me neither. Josh never mentioned it." Mercedes said quietly as she looked around.

"I don't think I can take any more of this." Ashley mumbled.

"Yeah.. I'm uh, I'm about at my limit here too." Chris said.

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