3- The Basement

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Washington Lodge

"You having trouble, Sammy?" Merceds hummed as she leant against the doorway of the bathroom.

"Fuck!" Sam jumped, turning to her. "Fucking spook." Sam laughed a bit, turning back to the bath and putting her hand under the stream of water.

"Sorry." Mercedes grinned. "No hot water?" She asked.

"Nope." Sam shook her head, huffing.

"Mercedes! What're you doing!" Mercedes heard Josh call out from the first floor.

"Helping Sam with the bath!" She called back.

"Oh! Do you need help with that?" He called out.

"Shut up!" Sam interrupted, laughing a bit. She put her hand under the water again, groaning when it was still cold.

"Okay then. Let's see if your boyfriend has any idea on how to hook up the hot water in his big fancy lodge." Sam grumbled, standing up and turning the tap off.

As they left the bathroom, a scream sounded out. Mercedes and Sam looked at each other.

"What the fuck?" Mercedes mumbled.

As they made their way around the lodge, they heard the conversation downstairs between Chris, Ash, and Josh.

"Come on..." Josh grumbled.

"How long do you think it'll take him?" Chris said sarcastically.

"My money's on blankets for everyone!" Ashley giggled.

"You can do it, man. We believe in you." Chris said in a fake accent.

"Yeah! Totally! Woo!" Ashley cheered. "Let's go Jo-osh, let's go!"

Mercedes and Sam walked down the stairs, laughing slightly at the conversation about Josh's inability to light a fire.

"Alright, peanut gallery, you know what? I got an idea for you two." Josh spoke to Chris and Ash.

"What?" Ashley asked.

"Okay well I am pretty sure that somewhere in this crazy place we used to have... a spirit board." Josh exclaimed.

"A what?" Ashley questioned.

"Wow you have a 'spirit board'?" Chris hummed.

"Yeah yeah. They're fun, right?" Josh grinned.

"Those things are a joke, man. They don't do shit." Chris scoffed.

"No way, bro. We used to do it all the time. Me and..." Josh trailed off.

Mercedes bit the inside of her cheek and skipped over, wrapping her arms around Josh's torso as Sam started speaking.

"Hey, Josh. No hot water's kinda a major oversight, don't you think?" Sam huffed as she walked closer.

"Yeah, yeah. You just gotta fire up the boiler. It's in the basement." Josh hummed. "Alright, you guys see if you can find the spirit board." Josh said, looking at Chris and Ash.

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