1- Back Again

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Path to Cable Car Station

Mercedes got off the bus to Washington Mountain with Sam, walking next to her and tugging Josh's coat that she was wearing on tighter.

"It's weird coming back." Mercedes said softly, looking at Sam as they walked.

"I know, right? It feels.. eerie. Like we shouldn't be here." Sam responded, looking around nervously.

Mercedes nodded in agreement as they approached the gate, which had a note on it.

"Oh, yeah. The gate's broken." Mercedes recalled.

"Huh? How do you know?" Sam asked as she looked at the note.

"Josh messaged me." She said softly.

"Well, I guess we gotta climb over." Sam grumbled, letting go of the note. She looked at Mercedes expectantly who backed away.

"Hey, I'm not gong first." She shook her head. "You're the sporty one, not me.."

"Your boyfriend's mountain." Sam retorted before walking over to the brick wall next to the gate.

"Good luck, Sammy." She hummed, standing back.

She watched as Sam flawlessly climbed the wall and hopped over.

"What the fuck?" Mercedes whispered to herself before also starting to climb the wall, albeit much slower and much more uncoordinated than Sam.

As she hopped over and landed on the snow, she groaned out "Skill!"

"Good job, Ms. Ambrose." Sam giggled, interlacing their arm's as they continued walking. "Hopefully soon.. Mrs. Washington?" Sam grinned, looking over at Mercedes whose cheeks turned red.

"No. Not yet. We're young. We got our whole lives ahead of us." She said, looking back at Sam.

"Ah, whatever. Bu-" Sam was cut off when she gasped and knelt down.

"Aww.. hey little fella." Sam cooed at the squirrel on the ground. "You hungry, huh?" Mercedes stood back as Sam fed the squirrel some nuts she pulled out of her bag.

"Cutie!" Sam laughed as the squirrel ate out of her hand then ran away.

"You're so good with animals." Mercedes spoke as Sam stood back up and they started walking again.

"I just like 'em. Treat them how you want to be treated by them." Sam shrugged.

"Chris!" Sam called out as they got to the cable car station and they approached Chris' bag.

"Your bag's here, where are you? You're not in the bag, are you?!" Sam called out for Chris.

Mercedes grinned and sat down next to Chris's bag. Just then, his phone began to buzz. She looked at Sam with a grin, shifting closer to Chris' bag.

"Let's leave it alone, yeah? No poking around in Chris' stuff." Sam said, zipping up his bag. Mercedes groaned slightly.

"Boring." She mumbled just as Sam called out for Chris.

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