7- The Psycho

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Washington Lodge Basement

"Mercedes.. 'Cedes!" Mercedes groaned as she groggily opened her eyes and her head throbbed at the light.

"Mercedes!" She heard again before fully opening her eyes and looking up, seeing Sam in a towel.

"Sam?" She groaned out.

"What happened to you?" Sam asked.

"I don't- Uhm.. I don't know.." Mercedes mumbled, looking down. She was sitting on a chair and was loosely tied to it around her waist, as if whoever tied her up just wanted to keep her from falling off the chair. She shakily untied herself, dropping the rope to the ground.

"You're in a towel." Mercedes stated, looking up at Sam, not ready to get up just yet.

"Yeah. The fucking psycho interrupted my bath-" Sam started but was cut off as she jumped when a hand came through the grate near the floor and grabbed her ankle. She knelt down and gasped.

"Mike! What are you doing down there? There's a g- thank God you found me." Sam sighed, kneeling on the ground.

Mercedes shakily moved off of the chair and knelt down next to Sam.

"Mercedes! Fuck. You look like shit." Mike gasped, looking up at her.

"Yeah. Thanks." She groaned, rubbing her head and accidentally reopening the cut on her forehead that had started to scab over with dried blood.

"I don't understand. How did you get here?" Sam asked Mike,

"There's some fucking maniac up here on the mountain.." Mike hissed.

"Yeah, I've noticed." Sam huffed.

"He lives in this like, web of tunnels. I was down there trying to get out when I found this grate and saw you two." Mike explained.

"Listen.. this guy you're talking about.. he attacked me. He showed me these videos, too, and one of them showed Josh being-" Sam cut herself off, looking at a dazed Mercedes.

"Oh god.. I didn't even think. I'm so sorry." Sam exclaimed, tightly wrapping her arms around Mercedes.

Sam +1

"What..?" Mercedes mumbled, hugging her back, her head still foggy.

"Josh. What.. what happened to him." Sam said gently, pulling back and stroking her face.

"Oh.. oh yeah." Mercedes nodded blankly.

"Wait.. what happened?" Mike asked.

"Josh.. he got.. killed. Ripped apart by this huge fucking sawblade." Sam said quietly, holding onto Mercedes.

"Oh, fuck. I'm so sorry, 'Cedes." Mike said softly.

"I don't.. I don't remember much. He uh.. the guy. I think he gassed me or something." She mumbled, rubbing her head.

"I think that guy.. he's living down here. I found this board. It was all pictures of Hannah and Beth. He's like obsessed with them." Sam mumbled. "And Uhm.. I think Josh was involved in this somehow."

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