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In one of their quiet moments together, as the sun dipped below the city skyline, Gio and Miel found themselves on the rooftop terrace of Gio's apartment. The gentle hum of the city below created a soothing background melody to their conversation.

Gio, his eyes reflecting the city lights, began to speak with a sincerity that echoed in the quiet of the evening.

Gio: "Miel, these past months have been nothing short of extraordinary. I can feel our connection deepening, evolving into something beyond what I could have imagined."

Miel, her gaze meeting Gio's, responded with a warmth that spoke of a shared understanding.

Miel: "Gio, your openness and honesty have allowed us to navigate this journey with grace. I appreciate the depth of our connection and the tenderness that comes with it."

Gio, reaching for Miel's hand, continued with a sense of assurance.

Gio: "I want us to continue exploring this path together, building a life that reflects the love we've discovered. There's a strength in our connection that I believe can withstand anything."

Miel, squeezing Gio's hand in acknowledgment, shared her thoughts.

Miel: "I agree, Gio. Our love is like the structures we design—built with care, intention, and a shared vision for the future. I cherish every moment we spend together."

Gio: "Miel, there's something I need to say again. I love you."

Miel, looking into Gio's eyes with a soft smile, responded with heartfelt sincerity.

Miel: "And I love you too, Gio."

As they looked out over the city that had witnessed the evolution of their relationship, Gio and Miel felt the weight of their unspoken promises and the potential for a future woven with shared dreams.

Amid their dialogue, the city below seemed to echo their sentiments—a testament to the resilience and beauty that could be found in the face of life's complexities. Gio and Miel's love story continued to unfold against the backdrop of the city they called home, a narrative of shared dreams, whispered promises, and the enduring strength of their connection.

With the decision to officially embrace their relationship, Gio felt the need to share the news with both Miel and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chua Hiong. He knew that this step was not only important for their journey but also a gesture of respect towards Miel's family.

Arriving at Miel's family home,  Gio took a deep breath, a mix of nervousness and anticipation swirling within him. Miel welcomed him with a warm smile, sensing the purpose behind his visit.

Gio: "Miel, there's something I'd like to talk to you and your parents about. It's about us."

Miel, nodding, led Gio inside where her parents were waiting.

Mrs. Chua Hiong: "Gio, dear! What a pleasant surprise. How have you been?"

Gio, exchanging pleasantries, soon turned to the main reason for his visit.

Gio: "Thank you, Mrs. Chua Hiong. I appreciate your warm welcome. The reason I'm here is to share something important. Miel and I have decided to officially be in a relationship."

Mr. Chua Hiong, his expression thoughtful, looked between Gio and Miel.

Mr. Chua Hiong: "Ah, that's wonderful news. We've seen the bond between you two, and it's clear that your connection runs deep. We appreciate your honesty, Gio."

Miel, with a reassuring smile, added her thoughts.

Miel: "Yes, Mom, Dad. Gio and I have been navigating this journey together, and we wanted to share this decision with you. Your support means a lot to us."

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