chapter 42: countryside get away

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At Gio and Neil's house, dinner

As Miel prepared dinner for the three of them---  Siegfried, Gio, and È she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her heart. Over the past few weeks, she had noticed subtle changes in Siegfried's demeanor – a slight pallor to his complexion, a weariness in his eyes that hadn't been there before.

As they sat down to eat, Miel observed Siegfried closely, her concern growing with each passing moment. Despite his efforts to appear cheerful, she could see the traces of exhaustion etched on his face.

Miel: (gently) "Siegfried, is everything alright? You seem a bit under the weather."

Siegfried: (attempting to brush off her concerns) "Oh, it's nothing, my dear. Just a bit tired, that's all."

But Miel could see through the facade, sensing that there was more to Siegfried's fatigue than he was letting on.

Miel: (placing a hand on Siegfried's arm) "You've always been there for me, Siegfried, offering support and guidance whenever I needed it. Now it's my turn to be there for you. Please, tell me what's going on."

Siegfried hesitated for a moment, his gaze meeting Miel's with a mixture of gratitude and reluctance.

Siegfried: (softly) "I... I've been feeling a bit unwell lately, Miel. Nothing serious, I assure you, just a nagging fatigue that doesn't seem to go away."

Miel's heart sank at Siegfried's words, her mind racing with worry for her dear friend.

Miel: (concerned) "Have you seen a doctor, Siegfried? It might be worth getting checked out, just to be safe."

Siegfried: (smiling weakly) "Oaky... I'll schedule an appointment,"

Miel: "Good! Tell me your schedule I'll accompany you,"

Siegfried: " We're settled now?"

As Siegfried nodded, Miel and Gio exchanged glances, their worry mirrored in each other's eyes. Neil, the ever-pragmatic one, spoke up, concern lacing his words.

Gio: "Siegfried, it's essential to take care of yourself. We're all here for you, and Miel's right – seeing a doctor is the right move."

Miel: " Siegfried, we care about you, and we want to make sure you're okay."

Siegfried managed a grateful smile, touched by the genuine concern of his friends. The weight of keeping his struggles hidden began to lift, knowing he had a support system around him.

Siegfried: "Thank you, all of you. I appreciate your concern. I'll make an appointment and get it checked out. It's probably just stress or something minor."

Miel: (supportively) "Even so, it's better to be sure. We're here for you, no matter what."

The dinner continued the atmosphere a mix of warmth and concern. As they shared stories and laughter, Siegfried felt grateful for the friends who cared enough to notice and offer their support.

One afternoon, Siegfried tells Miel that they're going to the doctor...but Miel is surprised, they are heading towards the countryside... a farm overlooking a beach... ---

As the car rolled along the winding country roads, Miel couldn't help but feel a mix of confusion and curiosity. She turned to Siegfried with a puzzled expression.

Miel: "Siegfried, I thought we were going to the doctor. Why are we heading to the countryside?"

Siegfried chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Siegfried: "Well, technically, we are. But I thought we could use a change of scenery for this particular doctor's visit."

As they approached the farm overlooking a picturesque valley, mountains, hills, and rivers which made Miel's eyes widen in surprise. The fresh breeze carried the scent of the trees, and the sound of streams, crashing against the rock filled the air.

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