chapter 55 : baby

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The news of Miel's pregnancy filled their home with a joyful and anticipatory atmosphere. Vanni's excitement echoed through the halls, and Gio, initially shocked, found himself overwhelmed with joy and gratitude.

Gio, recovering from his initial surprise, approached Miel with a mix of awe and delight.

Gio: "Miel, you're pregnant? That's incredible news!"

Miel, smiling radiantly, nodded.

Miel: "Yes, Gio. We're going to have another addition to our family."

Vanni, unable to contain their joy, hugged Miel.

Vanni: "A little brother or sister! This is so awesome!"

Gio, embracing Miel, whispered, "I can't believe it. Another little one to share our love with."

In the following months, their home buzzed with preparations and anticipation. Vanni, eager to become an older sibling, shared their dreams of having a younger brother or sister—expressing their wish for twins, adding an extra layer of excitement to the family.

As Miel's pregnancy progressed, Gio, Miel, and Vanni embarked on a new chapter in their chosen family's story. The echoes of Luxembourg, the challenges with Cass, and the enduring strength they found in their love were now interwoven with the anticipation of a new life joining their journey.

The tapestry of their lives continued to unfold, each thread representing a unique story, and the imminent arrival of a new family member added another layer of warmth and love to their chosen family's narrative.

Months passed, and a serene calm settled over Gio, Miel, and Vanni's lives. The absence of disturbances from Cass allowed them to fully embrace the joy of their expanding family. With each passing day, the echoes of past challenges faded, making room for the anticipation of the new life growing within Miel.

The routine of family dinners, weekend outings, and shared moments became even more cherished. Vanni, now accustomed to the warmth and stability of their home, continued to shower Gio and Miel with love and affection.

As Miel's pregnancy progressed, the family eagerly prepared for the arrival of the newest member. Vanni, excited about becoming an older sibling, took on the role with enthusiasm and a sense of responsibility.

One evening, as they gathered around the dinner table, Vanni couldn't contain their excitement.

Vanni: "I can't wait for the baby to come! Do you think it will be a boy or a girl, Mama Miel?"

Miel, with a tender smile, replied, "We'll have to wait and see, sweetheart. Either way, it will be a wonderful addition to our family."

Gio, proud of the love and unity that had grown within their chosen family, looked at Miel with gratitude.

Gio: "These past months have been peaceful. I'm grateful for the serenity we've found, and I can't wait to welcome our new little one."

As they embraced the tranquility of their current chapter, Gio, Miel, and Vanni eagerly anticipated the next phase of their journey—the arrival of a new life that would add another layer of love and joy to their chosen family's tapestry.

One morning, Miel is throwing up, her face full of sweat Alton is crying on her side... The scene made Gio panic.

Vanni: Daddy let's bring Mama to the hospital, she's pale...

Gio, alarmed by Miel's condition, quickly took charge.

Gio: "Vanni, grab Mama's bag and get in the car. We're going to the hospital."

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