chapter 60 : twin's birthday

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It's about a year, and the twins will be turning one.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, an entire year passed by. Amidst the ongoing vigil by Miel's bedside, life continued its relentless march forward. The twins, now approaching their first birthday, brought a glimmer of joy and celebration to the somber atmosphere surrounding Miel's condition.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties, the family found solace in the innocence and boundless energy of the twins. Plans were made for a small but heartfelt celebration, a testament to the resilience and strength of their family amidst adversity.

As they prepared for the twins' first birthday, there was a bittersweet acknowledgment of the passage of time and the milestones missed with Miel. Yet, amidst the sorrow, there remained a sense of hope and determination, a belief that better days lay ahead for their family.

On the morning of our twin's birthday, I thought I was dreaming...

Miel caressing my hair, her mannerisms when we are sleeping... She used to caress my hair...
I shout in desperation thinking that's her way of saying goodbye

Gio: "Mielllllll... No!!!!!!!!!!"

Miel: "Gio... Gio..."

Gio hears Miel's soft voice calling him...

Gio lifted his head and as he stared at her, he saw her eyes blinking...he pressed the alarm.

Gio: "Miel? You're awake!"

Gio's heart skipped a beat as he heard Miel's voice and saw her open her eyes, a glimmer of consciousness returning. Relief flooded through him...

The doctor came and checked Miel... 

Doctor: "It seems like she's coming out of the coma. This is a positive sign. We'll need to run some tests to assess her condition and monitor her closely. If she continues in her stare as of now, she can be discharged in 3-5 days, "

Gio felt a mixture of emotions—relief that Miel was waking up. He stayed by her side, holding her hand tightly as the medical team conducted their examinations.

After what felt like an eternity, the doctor returned with some results.

Doctor: " We've stabilized her now, but she'll need time to recover fully."

Gio nodded, absorbing the information. 

As Miel slowly regained consciousness, Gio stayed by her side, offering words of encouragement and support. They had overcome a frightening ordeal together, and he knew their bond as twins would only grow stronger from this experience.

Vanni's sudden awakening and his joyful expression at the news of Miel's awakening brought a smile to Gio's face amidst the tension. Gio watched as Vanni climbed onto Miel's bed, eager to be close to her mother.

Gio: "Be gentle, Vanni. Mama needs rest."

Vanni nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation even at his young age. He settled beside Miel, holding her hand gently as if to reassure himself that she was truly awake and okay.

Gio couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude for his family. Despite the scare they had just experienced, they were together, and Miel was on the road to recovery. He quietly thanked whatever forces had intervened to bring them back from the brink of despair.

With Vanni by Miel's side and Gio watching over them both, the family began to settle into a sense of normalcy once more, grateful for each precious moment they shared.

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