chapter 33: Dance

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Host: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us for this special evening. We're gathered here to celebrate not only our successful partnerships but also the spirit of gratitude that unites us. Please enjoy the festivities!"

Siegfried: (raising his glass) "To successful collaborations and enduring partnerships!"

Gio: (nodding) "Cheers to that."

Cass: (smiling tightly) "Indeed, a night of celebration."

Miel: "Let's make it a memorable one."

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special table with some of our esteemed guests. Please welcome Mr. Siegfried Monde, Ms. Miel, Mr. Gio, and Mrs. Cass. A round of applause, please!"

The room erupted in applause as the four took their seats at the designated table.

Siegfried: "Thank you, thank you. A pleasure to be here."

Gio: (nodding) "Indeed."

Cass: (forcing a smile) "Yes, thank you."

Miel: "Let's enjoy the evening."

Gio: (forced smile) "Well, this is a surprise. Miel, Siegfried, good to see you both."

Miel: "Yeah. It's been a while."

Siegfried: "How have you been?"

Cass: (coldly) "No need for pleasantries. What's the big deal over here, Gio?"

Gio: "Just business, Cass. And catching up."

Siegfried: "Business is what brings people together, after all. Isn't that right?"

Miel: "Absolutely. The Philippines has been quite welcoming to us."

Cass: "Must be nice. You seem to be doing well, Miel."

Miel: "Thank you, Cass. We've been fortunate."

Gio: (grimacing) "Fortunate indeed."

Siegfried: "Well, let's not let business matters dampen the atmosphere. Enjoy the banquet, everyone."

As Siegfried leads Miel away, a tense silence lingers between Gio and Cass, both grappling with the complexities of their shared history.

As the banquet continued, the atmosphere at the table was charged with unspoken tension. The clinking of cutlery and polite conversation couldn't mask the underlying currents of history and unresolved emotions.

Gio, unable to shake the feeling of hurt, observed as Siegfried attentively engaged Miel in conversation. He's too caring to Miel. The camaraderie between Miel and Siegfried, evident in their laughter and shared glances, echoed in Gio's ears like a haunting melody.

Gio: (muttering to himself) "Why does it bother me so much?"

Meanwhile, Cass, keenly aware of the dynamics, shot occasional glances at Gio. The festering jealousy within her fueled a growing resentment.

Cass: (whispering to Gio) "You seem to be enjoying their company."

Gio: (defensively) "It's just a business banquet, Cass."

Cass: (smirking) "Business or not, I can see how you're looking at her."

As the night unfolded, the tangled threads of their past began to unravel, weaving a complex tapestry of emotions and unspoken desires.

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