chapter 18 : conflicting emotions

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On the night before the wedding, Gio was summoned by Mrs Chua Hiong....

Mrs. Chua Hiong's serious expression and the document she handed to Gio amplified the gravity of the situation. As he looked down at the pregnancy test result, his heart seemed to stop, and the world around him crumbled.

Mrs. Chua Hiong: "Gio, you need to see this. It's Cass's pregnancy test, and the result is positive... and you are the father."

Gio's mind whirred with a mixture of shock, disbelief, and a mounting sense of responsibility. The impending wedding with Miel cast a shadow over this unforeseen revelation.

Gio, his voice choked with emotion, managed to stammer out a response.

Gio: "Pregnant? Cass is pregnant?"

Mrs. Chua Hiong nodded, her eyes filled with concern.

Mrs. Chua Hiong: "This complicates things, Gio. You need to confront this truth before it's too late."

As the weight of the situation settled on him, Gio felt the icy fingers of reality tightening their grip. The impending nuptials with Miel now stood at a crossroads, and the unexpected turn of events threatened to shatter the fragile equilibrium he had tried to maintain.

The truth, like an uninvited guest, demanded acknowledgment, and Gio, burdened by the weight of his choices, faced the daunting task of navigating the storm that had unexpectedly descended upon his life.

The truth, like an uninvited guest, demanded acknowledgment, and Gio, burdened by the weight of his choices, faced the daunting task of navigating the storm that had unexpectedly descended upon his life.

Gio, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. The impending wedding with Miel, the revelations about Cass's pregnancy, and the intricate web of emotions that entangled them threatened to pull him into an abyss of uncertainty.

Mrs. Chua Hiong: "You can't keep this hidden, Gio. It's time to confront the truth and make things right."

The gravity of Mrs. Chua Hiong's words sank in, and Gio knew that he could no longer evade the consequences of his actions. The choices he made in the coming days would not only shape his future but also impact the lives of those he cared about.

In the dimly lit room, the air heavy with the weight of unspoken truths, Gio took a deep breath. The storm had arrived, and he stood at its center, grappling with the reality that would inevitably reshape the course of his life.

Gio, feeling the weight of responsibility pressing down on him, knew that he couldn't delay addressing the situation any longer. The truth had emerged, and the choices he made in the following days would have far-reaching consequences.

Gio: "I need to talk to Cass. We can't let this linger in the shadows."

Mrs. Chua Hiong nodded in agreement, her expression reflecting a mix of concern and understanding.

Mrs. Chua Hiong: "Confronting the truth is the first step, Gio. It won't be easy, but it's necessary for everyone involved."

As Gio left Mrs. Chua Hiong's presence, he felt the weight of the impending conversation with Cass bearing down on him. The intricacies of their relationships—his connection with Miel, the impending wedding, and now, the unexpected turn with Cass—created a complex tapestry that needed careful unraveling.

Gio sought out Cass, determined to face the truth head-on. The confrontation that awaited him would not only define the fate of their relationship but would also demand a level of honesty and transparency that could no longer be evaded.

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