chapter 15 : why not me?

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As Gio and Miel's wedding approached, guilt weighed heavily on Gio's shoulders, clouding the once-clear path to their union. Amid wedding preparations, guilt accompanied him, making every touch and glance carry the weight of his hidden secret. The conflict within him intensified, creating a divide between the appearance of joy and the reality he couldn't escape.

During quiet moments with Miel, Gio struggled to meet her gaze, unable to escape the turmoil within. The impending vows felt paradoxical, a celebration tainted by the regret gnawing at Gio's conscience. Despite the joyful atmosphere, the internal struggle cast a shadow over the couple.

Approaching the ceremony, Gio faced a crucial choice — to confront the truth or carry the burden into their union. The wedding bells echoed uncertainty, symbolizing the secrets lingering in the shadows. The days leading to the wedding became a dance of conflicting emotions, with unspoken tension threatening to overshadow the vows of love and commitment. In this emotional storm, Gio grappled with choices that would define not only his future but the shared journey he hoped to embark on with Miel.

As the wedding day drew near, Miel sensed Gio's unease and couldn't ignore the subtle signs of inner turmoil. In a quiet moment, she delicately broached the topic, her eyes reflecting concern.

Miel: "Gio, I've noticed something's been bothering you. Is everything alright? You can tell me."

Gio caught off guard, attempted to conceal his inner struggles, offering a reassuring smile.

Gio: "Oh, it's just the usual pre-wedding jitters, you know? Nothing to worry about, love. Everything will be perfect."

Despite his attempts to downplay the situation, Miel's intuition hinted at a deeper turmoil within Gio. The unspoken tension between them became palpable, leaving an invisible thread of uncertainty hanging in the air. As the wedding day loomed, the weight of secrets threatened to cast a shadow over the joyous occasion they had eagerly anticipated.

One night in Gio's house...

As Cass stumbled drunkenly to Gio's house, he opened the door reluctantly, unsure of what to expect. Cass, in her intoxicated state, leaned on him for support, and without warning, she hugged him tightly and planted a kiss on his lips. Shocked and taken aback, Gio gently pushed her away, creating a moment of awkwardness and tension in the dimly lit entrance. The unexpected encounter left them both in a state of confusion, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging heavily in the air.

Cass: (giggling) "Gio, you're my hero tonight! Thanks for saving me from the clutches of sobriety."

Gio: (awkwardly) "Cass, you should've called a cab or something. This isn't a good idea."

Cass: (leaning in) "Oh, come on, Gio! Live a little. You know I've always had a soft spot for you."

Gio: (pushing her away gently) "Cass, this isn't the right way to express that. You're drunk, and I can't—"

Cass: (interrupting) "Can't what? Gio, you're too serious sometimes. Loosen up!"

Gio: (sighs) "Cass, we need to talk, but not like this. Let's get you settled, and we can have a conversation when you're more... coherent."

Cass: (pouting) "Fine, be the responsible one. But just remember, Gio, life is short, and we should enjoy it while we can."

The air hung heavy with the weight of their unspoken history, and as Gio guided Cass inside, a sense of unease lingered, promising a conversation that couldn't be avoided for much longer.

As Gio helped Cass settle into a chair, she unexpectedly hugged him tightly and planted a kiss on his lips. The moment, fueled by Cass's intoxicated state, left Gio feeling a surprising splash of desire. Caught off guard, he struggled to navigate the sudden surge of conflicting emotions that surged within him.

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