chapter 58: asleep

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After three months, the twin getting stronger..  But Miel still in deep sleep... She's in comma due to stress...

Gio: My love, Miel, I hope you hear me...our twins, I and Vanni are waiting for you... Enough for sleep my love, wake up, we miss your smile...we miss you terribly.

One month passed... The twins are now healthy, they will be out in NICU

They are brought to Miels room, the nurse put them in Miels chest.

Gio: My love, here are our twins, they need your hug...

In the days that followed, Miel's condition gradually improved, thanks to the heroic efforts of the medical team and Gio's selfless act of donating his blood. With each passing day, her strength returned, and she began to regain consciousness, much to the relief of Gio and his family.

Gio remained steadfast by Miel's side, providing unwavering support and encouragement as she embarked on the long road to recovery. He held her hand, whispered words of love and reassurance, and vowed to never leave her side.

As Miel slowly regained her strength, the couple found solace in each other's presence, cherishing the precious moments they shared together. Despite the heartbreaking loss of their unborn children, they found comfort in the knowledge that they had each other, united in their love and resilience.

With the support of their family and friends, Miel and Gio faced the challenges ahead with courage and determination. They knew that their journey would be difficult, but they also knew that they would emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

As Gio looked towards the future, Gio were filled with hope and optimism, ready to embrace whatever life had in store for them. Together, they would overcome any obstacle, knowing that their love was the strongest force of all.

Gio patiently waited by Miel's side, whispering words of love and encouragement as he held her hand gently. He sang her favorite songs, hoping to stir her from her slumber, his voice filled with emotion.

"Miel, my love, it's time to wake up," Gio murmured softly, his words a gentle plea. "Our twins are growing stronger every day. They can't wait to meet you, to feel your love and warmth."

With each passing moment, Gio felt a glimmer of hope as he saw small signs of Miel's consciousness returning. He updated her on the progress of their twins, describing how they kicked and squirmed in her belly, eager to make their presence known.

"They're so full of life, Miel," Gio whispered, his voice filled with pride and joy. "Just like their mother."

As he continued to speak to Miel, Gio felt a surge of hope welling up inside him. He knew that with time and patience, Miel would awaken, and they would finally be able to embrace their future together as a family, with their twins by their side.

As Gio sat beside Miel's bedside, he poured his heart out, expressing his love and devotion to her with unwavering sincerity.

"My dearest Miel," he began, his voice filled with emotion, "from the moment I met you, I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. You've brought so much love and joy into my life, and I can't imagine facing this journey without you by my side."

Gio reached out to gently stroke Miel's hair, his touch tender and filled with affection. "You are my rock, my guiding light, and my soulmate. I promise to love you, cherish you, and support you through every trial and triumph that life may bring."

Tears welled up in Gio's eyes as he continued to profess his love to Miel, his words a testament to the depth of his feelings. "You mean everything to me, Miel. I'll never stop loving you, no matter what."

With each declaration of love, Gio hoped that Miel could feel the depth of his devotion, even in her unconscious state. He vowed to continue expressing his love to her tirelessly, believing that their bond was unbreakable and their love everlasting.

As Gio sat beside Miel's hospital bed, he carefully arranged the tray of food on the small table next to her, ensuring everything was within reach. With a tender smile, he leaned in close to her ear.

"Miel, my love," he murmured softly, "it's time to eat. I've prepared your favorite dishes, and I'd love for you to join me for every meal, even if you're not awake."

With gentle encouragement, Gio began to describe each dish in detail, painting a vivid picture of the flavors and textures for Miel. He spoke of her favorite dishes with such passion and enthusiasm, as if she were sitting at the table with him, savoring every bite.

As he took his first bite, Gio glanced lovingly at Miel, hoping that she could somehow feel his presence and the warmth of his love. He savored each mouthful, imagining that they were sharing the meal together, their bond unbroken by the barriers of consciousness.

Throughout the meal, Gio continued to talk to Miel, sharing stories and memories of their time together, laughing softly at the funny moments and reminiscing about their shared experiences. He poured his heart out to her, knowing that even in her unconscious state, she could still hear him and feel his love.

And as they shared each meal together, Gio felt a deep sense of connection and intimacy with Miel, their love transcending the physical distance between them. He vowed to continue inviting her to every meal, believing that their shared moments would help her on her journey to recovery.

With gentle hands and a tender heart, Gio carefully bathed Miel, ensuring every movement was gentle and comforting. As he washed away the traces of the day, he whispered words of love and encouragement, his voice a soothing melody in the quiet room.

"Miel, my love," he murmured softly, "even in your sleep, you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. But when you're awake, your radiance shines even brighter, lighting up the room with your presence."

Gio chuckled softly as he gently dried Miel's skin, his touch reverent and filled with adoration. "I have to admit, though, you make it difficult for me to focus on the task at hand. How am I supposed to concentrate when you look so breathtaking, even in your sleep?"

As he carefully dressed Miel in fresh clothes, Gio continued to banter with her, their playful exchanges filling the room with laughter and warmth. Despite the challenges they faced, Gio remained determined to keep their spirits high, even in the smallest moments.

With each gesture of love and care, Gio reaffirmed his devotion to Miel, promising to stand by her side through every trial and triumph. And as he looked into her peaceful face, he knew that their love was stronger than any obstacle they faced, guiding them through the darkness and into the light.

As Gio finished dressing Miel, he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead, his love evident in every tender gesture. "There, all done," he said with a soft smile. "You look absolutely radiant, my love, even when you're fast asleep."

With a gentle touch, Gio tucked a stray strand of hair behind Miel's ear, his heart swelling with affection. "You know, Miel, I can't wait for the day when you wake up and grace me with that beautiful smile of yours. It's like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm, filling my world with warmth and joy."

Gio leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper. "But until then, I'll cherish these moments we share, whether you're awake or asleep. Because every moment with you is a gift, my love, and I'll treasure them for eternity."

With a final loving caress, Gio sat back, content in the knowledge that he had done everything he could to care for Miel. As he watched over her, he vowed to continue showering her with love and affection, knowing that their bond was unbreakable, even in the face of adversity.

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