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The first ones to wake up were the two omegas who came down after getting a smell of the delicious breakfast chan prepared. But got shocked seeing chan and Hyunjin cuddled up on the couch a in a rather intimate way.


Hj: oh hi Soobin hyung.

Soobin's scream had woken up the other two alphas who were upstairs still in their dream land. But they both rushed down after hearing the scream.

Fel: what happened?

Js: why is Jin cuddled up in Chan's lap.

Sb: that's what I was asking.

Hj: my omega ended up imprinting on chan hyung and turns out chan hyung like me too so ta da here we are

Fel: huh it's been over 3 months why would your omega suddenly imprint on chan hyung.

Hj; even I don't know. He just did this morning shocking me too. Like why after 3 months.

Sb: I may have an answer you see imprinting can happen in two ways. One when you see other , at first glance itself your wolf know the other person is the one for you. The second is when you imprint on someone after knowing them for a while. This kind of imprinting happens when the alpha wolf does something that greatly impresses or touches the omega's heart in a special. It may not always be a grand gesture. Most times it's the subtle things that wins the omega over.

Hj: that must be it.

Chan just pulled the omega on his lap closer to him . Suddenly he noticed Felix was trying to say something but was hesitant.

Chn: what's on your mind lix.

Fel: since all are confessing or getting together , with Minho and Jisung hyung and now Chan hyung and Hyunjin , I have something to tell you all.

Chn: wait are you committed ?

Fel: no but I'm hoping to be. I like someone.

Sb: oh ? Who ?

Lk: ya tell us lix hyung. who is it ?

Fel: Um you see. It's ah it's Soobin hyung...

Sb : what me ?

Fel: yes. Hyung I know you aren't really looking forward to find a partner. Not wanting to lose your individuality. And things. And I know you don't fit the typical omega image and I like you like that. And I promise I won't control you or anything you will be always you own person. You wouldn't have to worry about losing your individuality and rights with me

Sb: I know you aren't like that Felix. And it will be a great privilege for any omega to get a mate like you. You always respect every one despite their ranks as that is a great quality. But as you know I'm not ready to settle down right. So how about we try just casual dating before taking any serious steps. I know werewolf relations move fast but . If you won't mind I'll like to take our time and try making this work.


A/n: So I decided to continue this book but unlike my other books this will not be fully published in just one day. It will be published one by one as I finish with each chapter. But doing like this means I cant assure you guys when the next chapter is going to be out. But I'll try to out atleast one chapter one each week. I felt this story and you guys deserves better so let's see how this goes.

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