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Three days later when Soobin finally could think clearly without the haze of heat clouding his mind , the first thing he noticed was the slight and definitely nice feeling off a sting in the junction of his neck and shoulder.

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop the smile that came up on his face. Unlike what he thought it felt good to be marked and claimed as someone's. But he knew this feeling was so good only because the alpha who marked him was someone he trusted, someone he felt safe with.

Fel: You're smiling....

Felix pulled the older onto his lap. His back against the alphas chest.

Sb: ya... Being claimed feels alot nicer than I expected.

Fel: I'm glad that's the case hyung. I wouldn't want to cause you any feelings less than nice . I love you hyung.

Sb: I know alpha. And I love you too.

Fel: You know you don't have to call me Alpha just cause I marked you right.

Sb: ya. But I want to. Feels nice to say.

Felix hugs Soobin closer if that's possible and nussles his nose into the older hair before letting out a content sigh.

They stayed like that stuck together for a few more minutes before both of them decided it's time to freshen up and head back.


Fel: just climb on my back hyung. I can see you struggling..

The two newly marked mates were walked back to soobin's home. But Felix could clearly see Soobin was struggling to walk. And while it brought him some pride that he was able to do that , the same thing brought him slight pain. He never wanted any pain for his hyung.

Sb: I told you I'm fine Felix.

Fel: ok then , sure you are fine. But I'm not i want to have you ride on my back. So please for me ?

Sb: fine . Only because it's something you wanted.

Felix immediately shifted to his wolf form and waited for Soobin to get on and hold tight before speeding off to soobin's house. 


The moment Felix reached back at the pack house  from dropping Soobin off at his house he could feel Hyunjin's teasing stare on him. And though he tried pretending that nothing was different and that the stare was not bothering him, his determination soon broke and Felix found himself letting out his excitement about finally being soobin's and having Soobin be his with Hyunjin.

Hj: so safe to say we have our luna right ?

Fel: *giggles* ya. After his packing shifting ceremony. The preparations for Luna crowning will start.

Hj: hmm. We will have another omega in the house.

Fel: speaking of omegas, don't forget as the head omega it's your duty to welcome him home . Also at the Luna crowning you are the one responsible to pass down the luna pendant to him in the absence of the previous luna.

Hj: damn. Responsibilities....

Fel: I know

The two 18 years olds ended up laughing at that despite the bitter taste in the mind at the reminder about why they had these responsibilities

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