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Felix was in his dad's -now his- office room, he had just been done with some paper works that need approval when his phone rang breaking the silence in the room.

Seeing who the caller was a smile came on to the young alpha's face and he eagerly picked the phone up.


F: Hey love...

S: Hello Alpha leader Lee.

F: Yah.. it's not funny. Don't call me that *whiney tone*

S: *chuckles* it's fun messing with you .

F: ya it's fun but just for you. Anyway what's with the sudden call.

S: why you don't wanna talk with me ?

F: Wha- oh no no. I love you and I love to talk with you even if it's in the middle of the night.

S: it's so sweet and cute seeing you panic every single time I do something like this. But I had came to your pack for some shopping and was hoping you would be free to meet.

F: your in red moon?  Where at the flee market or the regular market?

S: Regular one.

F: wait right there I'm coming.

S: can't wait I'll be at the hotteok stand run by the old grandma.

F: Okie. Be there in 3.

Felix quickly pocketed his phone and walked out from his office before shouting a 'I'm going out' and sprinting out to go meet his love not waiting to make sure if Chan or Hyunjin heard it.


Fel: Hey love.

Felix had immediately spotted the older as he reached the market and the moment Soobin turned around to greet the Alpha he was met a pair of lips on his own. Felix had immediately kissed him after missing his boyfriend for so long. Felix though had took a break from highschool after taking over as the Alpha leader , was busy with his alpha duties and learning to do everything while Soobin was busy with semester end assignments and everything as he was a senior who was just a couple of months away from graduation.

Soobin immediately responded to the kiss, letting Felix take control , not caring that they most probably had people watching them . But neither could care as the only thing on their minds at the time was each other.

Once they pulled back with heavy breaths Felix gave a quick hug to his lover before they started walking around as Soobin had already finished his shopping before calling Felix over.

After a few minutes of walking around they ended up in front of a jewelry store and a beautiful piece immediately caught Felix's eye. It was a silver neck chain with a heart shaped locket in the colour green . It looked perfect for Soobin and the Alpha wasted no time before entering the store and getting it for Soobin. And the shop keeper seeing how the locket was going to be a gift from the alpha leader to their future luna, refused to accept any payment. Until Felix got the shopkeeper in a tight situation where he didn't have any option to say no to payment so he ended up accepting just one quarter of actual price just for the alpha's peace of mind .

Once the neck chain was safely clasped around soobin's neck the couple continued their stroll quickly losing track of time until soobin's mom started blowing up his phone and later his mind link with her , after being scared since her omega son wasn't back even as it was nearing sunset .

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