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It was early morning and Chan who was staying the night with Mr. Lee was collecting his things as his mom was already there ready to swap places so chan could go home and get ready for school despite the kids request at wanting to stay with their father at the hospital. Mr. Lee insisted on the kids going to school since both Hyunjin and Mrs. Lee was going to be there and the rest of their presence wasn't mandatory.

Chn: you had breakfast right mom?

Mum: ya I already did . I had some breakfast cereal . Hyunjin is at home he is making something for the other boys and you.

Chn: ah well the doctors came and checked up on dad two hours back and they might be coming for their early morning rounds in an hour maybe.

Mum: how his condition?

Chn: for now it going like the same as it was  through the period he was affected . Or atleast that's what the doctors- fuck what's happening dad ?

Mr. Lee suddenly started to shake violently. Almost pulling off the IV drip that was being given through his wrists.

Chn: mum stay here. I'll go get the doctors.

With that chan took of running towards the nurses station/ doctor's hault point at that level. As he reached the post he was out of breath , but more from the panic at his father's state than the run he did

Chn: the patient in room no: **** . Mr Lee . He is shaking violently and abnormally.

Doc: oh come let's go. I was about to come there for the rounds .

As soon as the doctor reached the room chan went near his mom and took a hold of her hands as he could see her shaking slightly. Until suddenly Mrs. Lee let out a loud scream before falling into Chan's hold and the same moment Mr. Lee stopped shaking.

The doctors turned towards them with a grim and apologetic expression as chan saw blood seeping out of corners of the lips his father's motionless body confirming his worst fear at the moment.

Chn: No. This isn't it.

Doc: I'm extremely sorry Luna . I did my best we all did , But the alpha has left us and the mortal world.

At the confirmation Mrs. Lee began to ball her eyes out crying as she went completely limp against her son's hold not having enough energy to hold up any longer. After the news registered in his mind and realised his mom's state Chan quickly mind linked his mate .

Chn: "Hyunjin...."

Hj: "Good morning Channie hyung... Why are you suddenly mind linking me ? Not that I'm complaining"

Chn: "I need you to gather the other two and come to the hospital"

Hj: "oh ? What happened? Is dad alright"

Chn: "just come here quickly I'll explain everything once you're here"

Hj: "oh ok. I'll get the other two and get there"


Around 20 minutes later Hyunjin and the Lee siblings reached the room where Mr. Lee was staying. As soon as they reached they could sense the grim mood .

Hj: Baby... What happened? Why is dad so still. Is he still sleeping or worse in a coma ?

Hyunjin could notice the storm going behind his alphas gazes that refused to meet his own orbs . And their mom was no were to be seen. Truth was after her mate's death was confirmed Mrs. Lee became so hysterical that she was put under drug induced sleep for her own sake.

Fel: where is mom hyung ?

Chn: she is with the nurses as they had to put her under induced sleep after she went hysterical.

Lk: what ? But what made her lose control like that.

The tone in Minho's voice clearly gave out the fear he had as he knew he wasn't going to like the answer his hyung was about to provide him.

But Chan stayed quiet not physically being able to bring himself to utter the words.

Fel: why are you so silent hyung.... Tell us what happened you are scaring us. Don't do that please.

Chn: You are technically the new alpha of our pack starting today.

Fel: wha... Wha... What do you mean hyung.... No no that can't be true. Please hyung tell me it's not what I'm thinking.

As Chan stayed silent the three new comers knew the answer. The only thing left was to get the verbal confirmation.

Fel: please tell me I'm wrong hyung.

Chn: I'm sorry. I want to say you're wrong. But I can't.... D...da...dad... He is d...d...d...dead. He left us.

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