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It was the evening if Soobin's ceremony . And truthfully his pack welcoming and luna ceremony had gone relatively smoothly despite Hyunjin's shaky hands and Felix -and secretly chan- getting emotional during the ceremony.

Soon after the ceremony once the guest were leaving Hyunjin quickly ran to hug Soobin. Happy to have a new omega and the luna around.

Sb: you seem excited .....

Hj: ya. I'm excited at having you around from now on.

Sb: did anyone mentioned that your scent is different.

Hj: not really. Must be all the stress and work load .

Sb: it's not a bad change. Your scent hasn't soured. Quite the opposite. It's grown more pleasant and comfortable if that's possible.

Hj: well then it must be some hormone thingy or all the happiness surrounding the festivities.

Sb: hm that must be it

Fel: mind if I steal my mate away ?

The two omegas were so focused on their conversation that they didn't hear Felix coming and thus was startled at his sudden , deep voice interrupting them.

Hj: you scared the life of our me lix.

Sb: fucking hell. You just creeped up on us alpha.

Fel: not my fault you guys were so unaware of your surroundings.

Hj: ya ya whatever. Just take him with you for whatever you wanted him for. I'll go find Minho or my alpha.

Hyunjin didn't find Chan but he did run into Minho going over some school work. Minho had recently started going back after he took a break to cope with his dad's death. And so he was a little behind on classes and works.

Hj: hey min. Need some help ?

Lk: No need I can handle it.

Hj: you sure ?

Lk: on second thought. I could use some help . Can you explain how to do this flow chart .

Hj: oh this one sure. Come I'll help. This was hard for me to learn so I have a short cut I made to remember it easily.

Hyunjin started explaining it to Minho as clearly as he could and Minho listened attentively despite not liking the subject as much.

And just like that half an hour passed by with Hyunjin helping him further with the school work.

Chn: Hey you two. It's dinner time.

Hj: oh .... Sorry we lost track of time.

Lk: and that's weird because we were studying. Hyunjin hyung knows how to make studies fun.

Hj: oh it's nothing like that. You are a quick learner, just needs a bit help and motivation

Chn: either way come down . It's our first dinner with Soobin as an official member.

Hj: ya. Dinner with our luna.

Minho and Hyunjin quickly went down to the dinner table wanting to sit near the new luna while chan chuckled at his mate and brother. Happy to see some excitement coming back into their home.

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