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After walking around holding hands for a while with occasion jokes and talks being exchanged. Felix and Soobin found themselves in front of a make your own stuff toy shop. Decided to try the shop out .

Once they entered one of the shop workers explained how everything worked and lead to the first area where they were supposed to pick an animal for their stuffies. Soobin wanted a cat and Felix wanted a rabbit. So now they were making each other's stuffie with Soobin making the rabbit and Felix making the cat .

In the end Felix recieved a light blue bunny with a pink bow ties around its neck and a voice message recorded by Soobin which said 'Bunny likes lixie' everytime you pressed it's belly portion. And Soobin recieved a white fluffy cat with a heart in its arms with the words 'This kitty loves you'  written on it .

Fel: wahh this is so cute... And a voice box too. why didn't I think of that ?

Sb: your's is equally special lix. I really love this.

Fel: I'm glad you do. I really love the one you made for me too.

Once they both had their stuffies with them Felix quickly payed for them and dragged a pouting Soobin out as he wasn't able to pay.

Fel: aish quit pouting hyungie .... I know you are not a fan of other paying for you making you feel dependent on them. But I like to take care of you. And I'm dating you so don't i get the privilege to do that ?

Sb: aish fine. So now where to ?

Fel: how about ice cream?

Sb: sounds good. Let's go

The two walked towards the icecream seller they had seen on their way earlier .

Sllr: hello. What would you both like ?

Sb: two vanilla please.

Sllr: ahh going with classics I see .

Fel: ya so how much ?

Sb: lix this time I'll pay. So ya how much ?

Sllr: *******₩

Sb: here you .

Felix didn't protest this time as he knew feeling equal mattered alot to Soobin so he didn't mind letting Soobin pay even though his alpha was screaming at him that he was supposed to take care of the omega . Once they started walking Felix got further into his head for a moment making Soobin look at him in confusion.

Sb: what are you thinking about ?

Soobin shook him a little bit

Fel: be my boyfriend...

Sb: what?

Fel: I mean ... Uh

Felix hadn't expect he would end up blurting his thoughts out loud to the older and was worrying that he might have scared the older off as he knew Soobin had asked him if they could take it slow the day Felix confessed . But all his worried left him and were replaced with shock at hearing the next words that left the older's lips

Sb: sure..

Fel: wait what ?!!

Sb: sure... I'd like to be your boyfriend...

Fel: but... I thought..

Sb: that I wanted to take things slow ? Yes that was the plan. But while my human side is all about not submitting to an alpha fully and demanding equality. My wolf side is just life any typical omega. And both me and my wolf knows we aren't gonna get a better alpha than you. Who is equally dominant but still will treat me equally and will accept me despite my personality

Fel: oh damn. Hyung you have no idea how happy you just made me...

Sb: I can see from your face.


A/n: well it's past midnight here and I should not be on my phone but hey it's way too hot nowadays so sleeping before at 2 AM or 3 AM is hard .

Q: Um so which group got you into k-pop ?

For me it was BTS

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