ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟡- 𝕎𝕖'𝕣𝕖 𝕟𝕠𝕥 ℙ𝕖𝕣𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕖𝕣𝕤

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After a few days of traveling, Aeyenna, Iroh, and Zuko found themselves in a small village, seated on straw mats with their "borrowed" ostrich horse nearby, engaging in begging for money. Mostly, it was Iroh taking on the begging role. Aeyenna, needing to avoid unwanted attention from some local men trying to flirt in exchange for coins, kept her head down. While Iroh didn't seem bothered by men giving Aeyenna money just by looking at her, it infuriated Zuko. To keep the peace, Aeyenna rested her head in her arms.

As a cart selling masks passed by, another pedestrian walked in front of Iroh. Extending his hat, Iroh struck up a conversation with the passerby.

With a touch of enthusiasm, Iroh asked, "Spare coins for weary travelers?"

The pedestrian tossed a couple of copper pieces into Iroh's hat, sparking anger from Zuko as he turned to Iroh.

Angrily, with his arms folded, Zuko expressed, "This is humiliating!"

"I'll say," Aeyenna murmured, gesturing to her now puffed-up hair due to the humidity.

Confused, Zuko looked at her. "I said humiliating, not humid."

Aeyenna lifted her head from her knees. "Oh, sorry, I couldn't hear you because you made me hide my face and ears!" she exclaimed, a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

Ignoring her, Zuko declared, "We're royalty! These people should be giving us whatever we want." He turned his head to the side, embarrassed.

"They will if you ask nicely," Iroh suggested. As a woman walked by, Iroh theatrically inquired, "Spare change for a hungry old man?"

The woman pulled a coin from her sleeve. "Aw, here you go."

"The coin is appreciated, but not as much as your smile!" Iroh flirted, causing Zuko to slap his forehead in frustration. The young woman giggled lightly and walked away. As soon as she left, a man with dual broadswords on his back approached Aeyenna, Iroh, and Zuko.

Aeyenna noticed Zuko's facial changes – his cheeks were more defined, and his jawline had sharpened. Like the others, he was losing weight due to days and weeks of insufficient meals.

Aeyenna playfully poked the prince's cheek, leaving a small dimple as she withdrew her finger.

Zuko adjusted his hat to look up at her, but the brim accidentally poked Aeyenna right in the eye.

She gasped, quickly bringing her hand up to her eye.

Zuko's eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Aeyenna took a deep breath, then slowly let go for Zuko to inspect her eye. "Do I still have an eyeball left?" she asked with a hint of humor.

Zuko winced slightly as he observed her beautiful hazel-green eyes, now bloodshot red. "It's a bit red, but yeah, it's there," he replied with concern.

Aeyenna nodded in acknowledgment.

The man with the broadswords grinned. "How about some entertainment in exchange for... a gold piece!" He pulled the coin from his pocket with a flourish.

Zuko looked up at the coin, annoyed. "We're not performers."

Iroh stood up. "Not professionally, anyway." He set the hat down and rose, swaying lightly as he began to sing. "It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se, but the girls in the city, they look so pretty!"

"Oh, my," Aeyenna murmured in surprise.

The man with the broadswords grew annoyed with the entertainment quality. "Come on, we're talking a gold piece here! Let's see some action!" Aeyenna and Zuko glanced up sharply as the man drew his swords. "Dance!"

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