Meet The Characters

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If you were interested in knowing the aesthetics/my ideal pictures for the main characters/some more facts, here they are! I also thought this may help for people who are new to the Slytherin boys.

Please note: IF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHO I ENVISION AS EACH CHARACTER, THAT'S OKAY!!! You are free to picture whoever you want (I know I do) but I also know that some people like to see castings.

Evelyn Black 

Age 17, Year 7

Nationality: British

Family: dad Regulus Black (PLEASE READ MY NOTE ON TOM'S FAMILY), unknown mother (her grandparents never tell her who she is but it's assumed she's a pureblood), she lives with her grandparents

About her: Evelyn's a darker gal (has to be to be with Tom lol). She doesn't know much of love, nor does she care to know of it, at least before she meets Tom. She's very studious and intelligent and is a bit of a loner. She doesn't really have many friends nor does she want them. She's extremely introverted but can have a bit of a sharp mouth and wit when she wants to. Evelyn is described as always having an aura of grim sadness, just like her father. She's not scared of Tom because both of her parents are gone so she doesn't believe people care enough about her to be worried for her life.

Background: Evelyn's father was Regulus. Her mother became pregnant with her right before Regulus died (see my note in the introduction). There is a rumor that Regulus married Evelyn's mother before he died, a rumor started by her grandparents, but Evelyn doesn't believe her father knew about her. When she was born, her grandparents took the baby and essentially severed all ties with her mother and never brought the woman up again. Because her grandparents value pureblood ideals, they don't particularly care for her and about her as long as she's behaving. Evelyn has been abused by them so doesn't know much about love, just like Tom.

Looks: Black hair, grey eyes, extremely beautiful. Pale. Dark aura around her. Her hair has some curl due to Regulus. She essentially looks like if Timothee Chalamet had a daughter lol.


Tom Riddle 

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Tom Riddle 

Age 18, Year 8 (remember, in this universe Hogwarts has an extra year)

Nationality: British (dad), unknown (mom)

Family: dad Voldemort, unknown Mom (believed to be a muggle), younger half-brother Mattheo Riddle (same dad, Mattheo is 5 years younger). Please note: While Tom's mother is not known, there is no chance it will be Bellatrix, That would make them cousins which would not be okay lol. I'll explain it more thoroughly in the book but while there's a rumor his mother is Nagini, Tom & Mattheo believe that his mother is actually a muggle because his father wanted him to be a half-blood, just like him. But just know that Tom is in no way at all related to Evelyn, though Evelyn and Mattheo are cousins by blood (but have never met until the story).

About him: Tom is a dark man, not afraid to do anything to get what he wants. He is charming, manipulative, and extremely intelligent. However, he isn't quite as evil as his father. He doesn't kill unless it suits his goals and his goals aren't for muggleborns or muggles being eliminated. He just wants power, so if he gets it, he's fine with leaving the others be, especially since Evelyn teaches him a little bit of compassion. He's extremely protective over her and does anything for her, including stalking, torturing others, etc. (This is a DARKER ROMANCE so just warning you there). Again, he's not as evil as his father but that doesn't mean he's necessarily a good guy. Good thing this is fictional then lol. People are absolutely terrified of him, everyone but Evelyn that is. He's not someone to mess with, especially since he was raised from birth by Voldemort to be his heir.

Background: Tom was raised to be his father's heir so he is a bit more traumatized and dark than Mattheo, as he was old enough to remember when his father died. He was five when Voldemort was killed but during those short years, learned enough to remember. His mother is a muggle, making Tom a half-blood, just like his father. Essentially, he is a somewhat less evil version of his father. Pureblood extremists essentially believe that Tom is their next Dark Lord. Tom is kind of a father figure to Mattheo and cares deeply for him, though he would never say that.

Looks: Curly brown hair, black eyes, very tall, lean, charming, most attractive Slytherin boy. His fancast in my mind is Christian Coulson from the Chamber of Secrets movie.


Them together:

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Them together:

Any other characters you want to know about? Let me know and I'll add them here! Remember, there will be stories about these other characters so there will also be more info there when they come

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Any other characters you want to know about? Let me know and I'll add them here! Remember, there will be stories about these other characters so there will also be more info there when they come.

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