Also Up - Theo's Story!

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Theo's Story: Smoke & Stars is completed and up now!!! This story (which is up on my profile) follows Theo and Aria (who you've already seen a lot of in this story) but don't worry, all of your favorite characters from my other stories will be there too! For more information, check out the blurb below:

"Your body is mine to own. Your breaths are mine to take. Your noises are mine to hear. You are mine, cara mia, and that will never change as long as I can help it."

"I've always been yours, Theo. From that moment you laid eyes on me, I've been hopelessly and utterly yours.".

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Theodore Nott is, for the most part, a loner. He'd much prefer to spend his days smoking in the astronomy tower alone than carousing in a crowd. While he has friends, he is, by nature, alone. When he's alone, he doesn't have to pretend to be some fun-loving extrovert or some happy-go-lucky prince, both things he's not. He can just be him: Theo. A loner.

Until he's not. Until he meets a beautiful girl with the prettiest blue eyes he's ever seen who just happens to be his best friend's younger sister. But dating Aria Berkshire comes with complications, ones that force Theo to decide if truly does want to be alone. Because with her, perhaps he doesn't have to be.

Smoke and Stars is a romance with brother's best friend, secret romance, and introvert x introvert tropes.

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