The Mother

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Evelyn gasped as she stumbled onto the ground. Where am I? She hadn't planned to apparate anywhere specific so she just disappeared into the void, hoping it would take her somewhere safe.

Safe. That word didn't seem real right now. What even was safe anymore?

She shivered as a cold gust of wind bit at her uncovered body. For a brief moment, she was really regretting leaving the warmth of Mattheo's hot air charm.

Oh, Mattheo. Her poor, sweet cousin. And, oh Merlin, Tom. She just left them in that field like that. 

Evelyn hadn't meant to leave. She just... panicked. Everything was happening so quickly all at once, she just couldn't handle it. All that her mind could think of was pure, unadulterated fear. Fear that Tom had just brutally killed two people—albeit, awful people. Fear that she would be next even though there was a small part of her that knew he was telling the truth, that he loved her and would never hurt her. Evelyn just... panicked.

She needed space. She needed to heal on her own without stolen memories, without interference. As much as she wanted Tom, she needed to be by herself. Only then could she overcome the trauma that she endured in that dark, dungeon. So she put up her mental shields and apparated away.

She would have to apologize when she went back. She'd said such hurtful things to Tom but at that moment, her mind was just flooded with terror. You can't love. That was what she said. But Evelyn wondered if what she truly meant was, You can't love me. Because no one else ever had tried. No one else ever really did.

Rain poured all around her and there was a faint smell of cars and petrichor. She was standing in a city, in the middle of the street looking at a row of townhomes. Is this London? And then it all clicked.

Evelyn had apparated to 12 Grimmauld Place. 

She wrapped her arm around herself and went to the front door. Technically, this was her house and Sirius was just staying in it but she wanted at least wanted to try considering etiquette.

The door creaked before Sirius appeared in the door. "Evelyn?" he asked in a worried tone. "Evelyn, are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Her voice was hoarse. She couldn't look him in the eye. If she did, he would know she was lying.

Sirius quickly ushered Evelyn into the den of the townhome and sat her by the fire. He asked if she needed anything and she just asked for some hot tea and a blanket, which he eagerly supplied. As soon as the warm liquid hit her mouth, she began to feel better. Evelyn didn't realize how cold she was until she was warm again.

After several minutes of silence, Sirius spoke. "I suppose I should ask why you are here."

Evelyn's eyes darted around the room. Though she knew Locke and Key were dead, that didn't stop a part of her from wondering if they were somehow going to find her anyway. Or Tom. She wasn't ready to face him either.

"I won't ask you to go into detail about what you endured," Sirius continued. "Tom's told me enough and I can fill in the gaps myself. All I want to know is how I can help you."

"Tom was here?" She was surprised. 

"He came here looking for you seven days ago. He told me you were missing and adamantly insisted that he could find you on his own. Why is he not with you now?"

Evelyn winced and clutched her tea cup tightly. Even just the mention of those seven days had flashes appearing in her mind. "I couldn't do it. I couldn't stand him looking at me like that, like I'm wounded. I just needed space."

Sirius walked over and put his hand on her shoulder. "My dear, it is important to accept that you have been wounded. You've been through so much. Tom just wants to take care of you."

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