The Present

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When Evelyn awoke the next morning, she was sore again but it was for a far different reason.

She propped herself on her elbow and looked down at the man, the one who left dozens of bite marks on her breasts and inner thighs. He was ravenous last night, hungry for every drop that she could provide until she was too exhausted to continue, and even then he pressed on, taking her in positions she didn't even know exhausted. Always finishing deep inside her, marking his territory. Marking her.

So Evelyn's legs were sore and her pussy was numb and her breasts ached and yet she hardly felt any of it through the pure, dizzying happiness. He was here. Her Tom, her love.

Her grandparents were gone, her cousin sleeping soundly down the hall (thanks to the Quietening Rom spell that Tom had placed), and she was sore from a delirious night of alternating love-making and fucking. Now, Tom lay on his back with his arms tightly around her, holding her while she slept.

Her father didn't return to her dreams but honestly, she wasn't expecting him to. Shadows tore her away and she had a feeling that those shadows were currently lying under her softly dreaming. Tom had proven he could enter her dreams and manipulate them. Why would this one be any different?

"Are you going to stare all morning or are you going to finally kiss me?" Tom drawled in a husky voice that had her feeling warm all over again. His eyes never opened and his body never moved. How did he know she was— "Darling, I can enter your dreams, speak in your mind, and sense your location. This is what you choose to question?"

She smiled softly and bent down to kiss him gently. But Tom had other plans, grasping the back of her neck tightly with his hand as he held her to him. His other hand moved up to the curve of her ass. He firmly grasped the skin, making her gasp. Tom used the opportunity to dive into her mouth, caressing her with his tongue while his hands were quickly making her insides coil.

Sparks rushed from where their lips met, rushing down her spine until they reached her pelvis. Evelyn crawled on top of him, never breaking the kiss. Her back arched before she further pushed against him. "Merlin, Little Dove," Tom growled. "You're feisty in the mornings."

"I want you," she whispered in between kisses, arching her back again and driving her hips to meet his.

Tom growled possessively, smacking her ass as she moved against him. "You don't get to make demands here."

"So you don't want me?"

"Don't be ridiculous. I always fucking want you."

Evelyn hungrily kissed him. He tasted like mint and morning breath; the combination drove her wild. Actually, everything about Tom was driving her wild. His hands gripping her ass, the bruises on her breasts reminding her of last night, his taste, his hips pushing up to meet hers. Evelyn greedily soaked him up, her movements becoming frantic as she became desperate for more. Desperate for Tom.

"You are being so incredibly sexy right now," Tom murmured. "Shall I reward you?"

"Yes," she moaned right as Tom's hand moved to her breast. "Please."

"Please, what?"

"Please, sir."

He smirked against her lips. "Good girl."

Then, Tom finally took control and Evelyn almost came as he rolled on top of her and used his hips to push her into the bed. He thrust against her while kissing her ravenously. Her senses were wholly consumed by Tom. He was in control. He was feasting on her.

"I'm going to make you feel so fucking good," he grumbled before kissing her way down her neck until he reached the spot that made her weak: where her neck met her collarbone.

Darkness and Devotion - A Tom Riddle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now