The Saviour

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Tom felt a darkness cloud over him. He didn't like being away from Evelyn. He didn't like not knowing if she was okay, if she was safe, if she needed him. He didn't like not holding her in his arms and kissing her senselessly. He didn't like not knowing if she knew that his love for her was real, that he had never thought himself capable of it until he met her.

And Tom also didn't like the way Evelyn's relatives seemed to purposefully piss him off today.

After she apparated away—and after Tom had a little bit of a breakdown over it—Mattheo tried to instantly fix his sadness. Merlin, the boy must have chosen the, "Well, if Tom is pissed off beyond all belief, he won't be sad anymore."

"Where do you think she went to? Do you think she went back to Black Manor? Do you think she took a trip? Ooooh, I would go to Ibiza if I were her. So nice and warm with lots of women. Do you want to go to Ibiza, Tom? Maybe we should go this summer. Ooooh, we could get paella there. Or tapas! Do you think Evelyn likes paella? I don't think she would; she doesn't seem to care for seafood very much. Maybe Evelyn just went to get a nice beef pot pie. I love beef pot pie with gravy. Do you think she went to a pub? I would go to a pub right now if I were her. Or Ibiza! Maybe she—"

"Maybe you should SHUT UP!" Tom yelled at his annoying brother. Merlin, was murdering children still illegal these days? 

When Tom looked over at his sibling, he saw with much chagrin that Mattheo had a shit-eating grin on his face. "What?" Tom growled.

"Glad mopey Tom is gone so angry Tom can actually think of a way to find her," Mattheo replied smugly. Sometimes, it was hard to tell which Riddle sibling was more arrogant.

Tom just grunted in response. 

"You looooveeeee her," Mattheo sang. "You love Evelyn. You love her soooo—"

And that was when Tom flicked out his wand and sent his brother back to Hogwarts. Finally, there was some goddamn silence. 

After that, Tom went to Black Manor to look for Evelyn. He highly doubted she was here since it seemed like the most obvious place and Evelyn was no idiot but he wanted to cover his bases anyway. Then, after a few hours of searching both the house and the grounds, he used the floo to go to Grimmauld Place.

Sirius seemed to be expecting him because when Tom arrived, the first words out of the man's mouth were, "She's not here." Tom detected no lies.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know." Another truth.

"When did she leave?"

"About six hours ago." Again, a truth. So Evelyn had come to her uncle but he wasn't her final destination. Neither was Black Manor because Tom was there six hours ago and Evelyn hadn't shown up. Plus, Kreacher was under strict orders to alert him if she did and the House Elf was too terrified of him to disobey.

"Where did she go?" A slight variation from his earlier question but when it came to lies, semantics mattered.

"I don't know that either." Damn. Truth. Tom was beginning to be very frustrated.

He pinned Sirius with a harsh gaze. To his credit, the older man hardly wavered, though there was a flash of fear in those grey eyes for a split second. It seemed Azkaban hadn't fully rid him of the emotion. "Where do you think she went?"

"I don't know." 

Tom chuckled darkly. "That, dear uncle-in-law, is a lie. Tell me where you think she went. Now."

And that was how Tom found himself at a little house in Chelsea where a middle-aged woman trembled at the sight of him. She was wearing her pajamas—it was the middle of the night after all—and looked more than startled to see him. "Lord Vold—"

Darkness and Devotion - A Tom Riddle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now