The Storm

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The cold bit at Evelyn's cheeks, turning them a soft shade of rosy pink as she meandered through the streets of Hogsmeade. She tugged her coat tighter and continued to trek her boots across the snow. The long snowstorm was finally over, leaving behind pale grey clouds that allowed for the sun to occasionally peek out from behind. The snow was cold and several inches thick, though it reflected nicely in the light. Evelyn smiled as she took in the winter wonderland.

Tom meandered a few feet behind her, never really looking at anything in the stores. He was always a stoic, shadowy presence at the edge of the room. He looked so handsome yet so bored at the same time.

It had become a game to guess whether the shopkeepers would pale in fear or turn pink and fawn for his attention. But his eyes never strayed from her. She was sure that if they had, they would have turned murderous. Tom didn't seem like the type to take things like that well, not if they were any risk to his relationship with her. Evelyn wasn't the jealous type but she doubted that Tom cared about that. Anyone who tried to get in between them was a threat.

Her arms were empty of any purchases. She had never planned on buying anything in the first place. Evelyn never lied when she said she'd like to go to the bookstore but she also never said anything about buying books either. Semantics were important when dealing with Tom, who could sense a lie with his heightened legilimency. She didn't want anything, not here.

Everything Evelyn could ever want was in front of her, staring at her with the darkest eyes she had ever seen.

She loved him, desperately so. 

Evelyn knew that Tom loved her back but she was never quite sure how much. How much was the Dark Heir capable of loving? Did he only love the piece of his soul inside of her or did he love her entirely?

She shrugged off all of those thoughts, glad that she managed to block him from her head. You're just a couple of days away from your period, Ev, she told herself. Stop overthinking things.

But that was easier said than done when her boyfriend was the son of the darkest wizard of all time and was said wizard's perfect replication. And said wizard was said to be physically incapable of love...

No, Evelyn. Period. Overthinking. 

Suddenly, a clump of snow fell off of one of the cottage's roofs and landed on top of Tom's head. He scowled at the sky before attempting to wipe it off to no available. Pieces of white were dotted all along his once-impeccable hair. Evelyn giggled and used her gloved hands to stifle the laugh coming out of her mouth.

Tom's eyes narrowed at her. He took one hand out of his pocket and flicked it downward. A cold sensation suddenly came over her. Cold and wet.

Evelyn gasped and tried to brush off the massive clump of snow. It stuck to her everywhere, from her cheeks to her lashes to the shoulders of her coat. "Thomas!" she scolded.

"Not so funny now, is it, Little Dove?" Tom asked with a smirk that dropped as soon as she started chattering her teeth. He waved his hand and Evelyn soon felt a warming sensation that started at the top of her head before traveling to the tips of her toes. "Better?"

"Much. Thank you, my love." She kissed his cheek before stepping back so he could do the same spell on himself. "Though I have to say, seeing you flustered by snow was quite adorable."

He scowled again. "I am not 'adorable.'" He spat the word like it was the most vile thing on the planet.

It just made her giggle again. "Right."

"If anyone is adorable, it is you. Not the dark wizard next to you."

"You know that more than one person is allowed to be adorable, right?"

Darkness and Devotion - A Tom Riddle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now