The Calm Before

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Evelyn woke to the feeling of kisses being trailed down her back. Her body felt warm, surrounded by soft, luxurious sheets, but the lips were cold as they slowly moved down, placing kiss after kiss on her spine.

"Mmm," she sighed, stretching before turning around to face the man behind her. Tom wore a smirk on his face and she forced herself to look at it instead of trailing her gaze down his body. Her legs were too sore to go for any more rounds. "I could get used to waking up like this."

Tom's arm snaked around her waist. He pulled her closer and kissed her forehead gently. "That can be arranged."

Legs tangled together as Evelyn buried her face in his neck. She made a point to ignore his hard member against her pelvis. Why did Tom have to have the perfect body? It made being exhausted all the more difficult. 

Like always, Tom had spent the previous night exhausting her to no end. He claimed that it was the slit that undid him, that the little peek he had to view all night was the reason the cabinet at the edge of the room was splintered, that the dress was the reason one of the pillars in the Chamber of Secrets collapsed. But Evelyn knew that, in all reality, Tom was just a man who was as hungry for her as she was for him. On some nights, that hunger consumed him until she was left having to limp to her classes. On others, he was a little gentler, a little more loving as he slowly made love to her. 

Last night was not one of the latter.

Their bond hummed with the energy created simply from being together. Evelyn smiled and snuggled deeper into Tom's embrace.

"Eighteen years ago, you entered this world," he murmured.

"Nineteen years and one day ago, you entered this world," she countered.

Tom chuckled. "Yes, and the world still doesn't know what to do with me."

"Well, I know what to do with you."

He leaned back and arched a brow. "I hope it looks something like last night. Or the night before that. Or the night before that. Or—"

"Okay, I get it." Heat burned on her cheeks from her flaming blush. It was a good thing it was dark in there.

"It's not that dark that I can't see the way I make you flush." 

Evelyn just sighed and buried her head into his chest so the cold of his toned—very toned—pecs could cool her down. Tom laughed—another real one like before—and stroked her hair. "No more making me flushed. I'm already not sure if I can walk today."

"I would be more than happy to carry you."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you would but I don't know if the prefects and professors would like that."

Tom chuffed. "Prefects? Did you forget that I'm Head Boy, Little Dove? And I don't concern myself with the thoughts of those that are inferior to me."

"Don't you think everyone is inferior to you?"

He grinned and lifted her chin so her face was level with his. "Everyone but you," he purred before closing the gap between them and kissing her so softly. The air between them immediately heated, glowing under the power of the thrumming bond.

Evelyn pulled back as soon as his tongue swiped across her lips. "I'm serious, Tom! My legs hurt too badly."

"If only you were lying next to the most powerful wizard in the world, one who has proven capable of healing you—"

"And I'm going to be late to class."

"Fuck class," he growled. "I want you now."

She giggled before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. "No."

Darkness and Devotion - A Tom Riddle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now