Bonus: The Wife

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My wife. My wife, my wife, my wife. My. Wife. My wife. My wife. Wife. My wife.

It was all Tom's mind could repeat as their wedding day went on. His wife. His Evelyn. Bloody hell, she was his wife now. Could life get any better? Could songs sound any sweeter? Could the world be even prettier?

He clutched her arm tightly as they took pictures against the roaring backdrop of the sea. At first, Tom hated the idea of a photographer, though he booked one anyway knowing that Evelyn would want him too. But now, he was realizing that it was a bloody good idea. Because he needed these pictures, needed something tangible to prove that this day happened, that the love of his life actually married him. 

His wife. My wife.

"Alright, Mr. and Mrs. Riddle," the photographer said with a grin. He didn't seem to know that he was dealing with the Dark Lord and Lady and Tom was too happy to make him regret his lapse. "I'll have these to you in a couple of weeks. Congratulations again."

Evelyn squeezed his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. "Thank you," she mumbled with a smile. Though her words were soft, Tom could feel the pure, unadulterated joy flowing down the bond. Compared to how she was feeling this morning, it was absolutely beautiful.

Tom was no idiot. He knew that Evelyn had been anxious about their ceremony. Like a volcano ready to explode, he could feel it bubble and rise the closer the date came. Occasionally, she sent her thoughts down the bond, albeit unknowingly. "Three hundred and fifty people?" she had thought when he showed her the guest list. "What if I look ridiculous walking down by myself?" she thought another time when Sirius was speaking to her about walking down the aisle. So Tom—wanting nothing more than to appease the love of his life—quickly pivoted as soon as he sensed the emotions, telling their guests that they would have a private ceremony and a larger reception. As soon as he sent the owls, he knew it was the right call. All that mattered on this day was him and Evelyn. He and his wife.

"Where to now, husband?" Evelyn asked in a low voice as she stared at the empty cliffs. Vivian, Sirius, and Mattheo had all gone ahead to prepare for the reception. They had a few hours before it was meant to begin and Tom was sure his brother wanted to use it to goof off with his friends instead of checking on the decor like Tom had asked him.

"If anything in that reception is out of place, you're dead," he growled to his brother mentally. They had a bond between them that made legilimency a little easier. It wasn't as strong as the one he shared with Evelyn but it was there. With a lifetime's worth of practice finding the small string in his chest, communicating with him was easy.

"Yes, Tom,"  his brother said with a gulp. Satisfied, Tom cut off the link and focused on his wife.

"Whatever you like, wife." He couldn't help the grin that spread over his face as he called her that. My wife. "We have about three hours before the reception. How would you like to spend them?"

And then suddenly, there was a mental picture of Evelyn on Tom's lap straddling his cock while screaming his name, fingers that now held a ring on them gripping flesh in the bedroom. Though he certainly wasn't complaining, Tom knew that the picture hadn't come from his own mind. It was Evelyn's.

He growled as he stared at the way she was biting her lip. "That's mine to bite, Little Dove," he rasped huskily before wrapping his hands around her waist and pulling her close. "So... you want my cock inside you? You want my hands on you and my lips tasting you? You want to scream my name like the good girl that you are? You want to start our honeymoon night early?"

She shuddered, breathing heavily as she replied, "Yes, sir. I need you."

Oh, he knew that. He could feel her hunger through the glowing cord. Tom was the only one that could satisfy her and that fact felt fucking fantastic. "Then let me spoil you, wife."

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