The Dark Lord

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Thunder seemed to be getting closer. What was once faraway echoes now seemed to be right on top of them. 

Evelyn wrapped her arms around her legs and began to rock herself. It seemed to be the only way she could calm the fear within her. She rested her chin on her knees and murmured to herself. "Your name is Evelyn Arcturus Black, daughter of Regulus Black. You're eighteen. Your birthday is January 1st. You go to Hogwarts. You are a Slytherin. Your boyfriend's name is... was Tom Riddle." Was because right now, it seemed like he was all too willing to throw her to the wolves. He wasn't there and he promised he'd always be there. 

"Your cousin's name is Mattheo Riddle. You are a seventh year. You like reading. You're scared of thunderstorms."

She had to keep reminding herself who she was. Otherwise, she'd forget and lose herself to all that she had been through. She'd lose herself to the memories of Locke and Key using her body in ways that haunted her. 

Suddenly, she felt a presence next to her on the cot. The room was dark from the impending storm and yet it seemed a little lighter in that moment. He didn't say anything, not until she did. "I'm getting out today," she murmured. I'm going to die today, is what she meant.

Regulus looked at her gently, the way you would look at a wounded rabbit. He was a hallucination, caused by her fraying mental state and lack of real food, but he was there. Her father was there. She wasn't completely abandoned.

It was funny. Sometimes, it felt like the visions of her father appearing next to her were the only thing keeping her sane. He talked her through things, told her how what was happening to her wasn't her fault or Tom's, wasn't anyone's fault but Locke and Key's. He told her how her body wasn't any less valuable because of what happened. He told her how she was still Evelyn, still his little girl, still so loved. Regulus's words weren't much but they were what she needed to stay calm even under so much duress. She wouldn't say that she was okay—far from it—but she at least kept her head together. For now.

He looked over at her and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "I love you," he whispered. "I didn't get to tell you it for so long, not until you unlocked that little bit of magic keeping you from me. No matter what happens today, I love you."

He fixed his shaggy black curls and sighed. "I think you will get out today, sweetheart. I... I've done all I can. Now we just have to hope it was enough. But on the off chance that it's not—" He reached over and placed his hand on hers. "—it will be alright. We'll be together again. I know I wasn't there for birthdays or to buy your first wand but I'm here now."

The bitter sting of tears filled her eyes just as her vision went blurry. "Please stay with me."

He smiled gently. "I never left."

And Evelyn sighed, knowing that whenever that dungeon door opened, it would be for the last time.

At least she thought that until she heard voices.

"What do you mean he's here?" Key hissed. "Did you fucking call him?"

"No, it was like I said!" Locke said in a panicked voice. "He's the bloody storm!"

Tom. And suddenly Evelyn's heart began to race and her stomach fluttered and her body heat rose. Hope. That was what she felt. Maybe he hadn't abandoned her after all. Maybe all of this time he was actually searching for her.

Regulus grinned. "He's here."

"Did you... do this?"

He shrugged. "You'd be amazed what sort of hints a ghost can leave."

Darkness and Devotion - A Tom Riddle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now