The Distraction

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"Distract me."

The words echoed in Tom's bedroom, whispers bouncing around between the stone walls. A candle flickered while Evelyn held her breath. He wouldn't say no... would he?

She could see the gears working in his mind through his dark eyes. They were practically black in the dim light. Then, he clenched his jaw. "And how would you like to be distracted?" He was holding himself back. She might not have known much about much but she did know that.

A distant boom rolled in the background, muffled by the Quiet Room spell. Evelyn gulped—mostly for courage—before softly saying, "Any way you want... My Lord."

A gasp escaped Evelyn as Tom harshly gripped her waist and shifted her. Earlier, she was sitting on his lap, straddling him, but now she was sitting in between his legs with his cold, bare chest against her back. She could feel his skin through the lacy robe, which he proceeded to shove roughly off her shoulders. His cold fingers on her skin made her shiver in delight and anticipation.

Tom gripped her hair and leaned her head back so his mouth was next to her ear. "Such a good girl, you are. Submitting to me so easily."

She moaned. Why did she like his praise so much? She'd never reacted to compliments before—and with her beauty, intelligence, and allure, she'd received several. "Maybe it's because you never had anyone to praise you like you wanted before," a sardonic voice in her head responded. 

"Do you like hearing me tell you what a good girl you are?" Tom's murmurs were deep and smooth, like the richest of espresso gliding down her body. She curled her toes just at the sound of the cool voice gliding against her ear and down her neck. "Tell me what you like, my darling. Tell me how I can best please you."

But for some reason, this felt like a test, like there wasn't a right answer necessarily but there was a better one. So Evelyn whispered, "You. I like you. I'm pleased by you."

Tom growled. When he spoke again, she heard the smirk in his voice. "Good answer from a very good girl. How shall I reward you?"

His hand still gripped her hair but it was a light grip, one of control but not of pain. With the other, Tom began to glide down her body, speaking as he moved. "Shall I take off your nightgown?" he asked as he pulled down the spaghetti straps. "Shall I worship your breasts?" he asked as he caressed them through the material. "Shall I show you how a true man treats his queen?" he asked when his hand reached the lacy material of her panties. She had already soaked through them, her body needing him more than anything. She had never felt such a relentless want for a man, never felt so coiled, never felt so lustful.

It was as if her body—just like her heart—longed for Tom. Only for Tom. 

"I must confess, Little Dove, I'm not normally so..." He swiped a finger over her clit and she gasped. "Tender. But you bring out a different side of me. You make me..." He bent down and lightly bit her ear when he whispered. "Gentle."

Evelyn shifted uncomfortably. There was this heat rising within her and somehow she knew that Tom would be the only one to sate it. She had never done anything with a boy—her first kiss was stolen only weeks ago in the corridor for Merlin's sake—but when it came to Tom, she had this instinct she couldn't explain. She knew that she should submit to him, that he would take care of her, that he would satisfy her. She knew that only Tom could take away her heat, her tension, her desire.

"What if I don't want you to be gentle?" she asked with a slight whine to her voice. "What if I don't want you to hold back?" Because she didn't. She wanted Tom, all of Tom.

Tom growled again. His hand moved up to her waist, where he gripped it tightly and pulled her back into his body. She felt something hard poke her in the back. Just the feeling of his member had her breathing heavily. "Not tonight," he gritted. "You've never been touched, Little Dove, and I might not be the picture of morality but I won't be the asshole that hurts you."

Darkness and Devotion - A Tom Riddle StoryWhere stories live. Discover now